I have a question about resume/applications to MAC?


Well-known member
I looked through this forum but I might have missed something that already answered this question, but I didn't see it to the best of my knowledge so here it goes!

I was working at my job currently, I'm a beauty specialist for Victoria's Secret, but that's isn't saying much at all, because we really can't do people's makeup except for associates and lip-touch ups. I have been doing makeup for my friend's for dances, prom and even my sister's wedding banquet when I was 15 years old. Everyone has always told me I'm a natural at doing makeup and this one day two of the girls I know from my MAC counter came into my work to buy a bra. I was the only girl on the floor at that time, so I helped them (we know each other by name, so it's nothing huge), and they both told me my eyemakeup was gorgeous and asked where I got it. MAC of course, and they both laughed and they asked me if I could recognize what they were wearing, I did, and I only missed one of the eyeshadows which was vellum. They both told me to come and put in an application at MAC, telling me they would both put in a good word. And that I had the talent to get the job there and the technique.

So the next day when I wasn't working, I came to the mall with my boyfriend, and I left him in a bookstore to come to MAC which is next door and bought some stuff, because Flashtronic had just come out and I was happyyyyy about it
And then I asked the girl I know there also who is the MA that has been the longest working there since I started shopping at the counter if I could get an application. She smiled and told me "Sure!" and checked the folder only to find they didn't have any. So she went all the way downstairs to their office to find one while I looked around but she couldn't find one. Then she said she was sorry and gave me the fax # and phone # to the district manager and told me "All the applications go to her anyways, have you ever done makeup on someone before?" I went into explanation that I have done makeup for my friends for dances, and prom and my sister's wedding as well. She asked me if I had ever taken pictures of the makeup from a closeup view. I told her no, but I did have my sisters wedding photos that were slightly close up on the bridesmaids which I did the makeup. She told me to do some of my friend's makeup and then take the pictures and fax them to the district manager and along with a resume.

So I'm wondering, has anyone who has a job at MAC ever done this, to help them get the job? Is it good to send some pictures along with the resume? I want a full-time job there, and the girl told me this was the way she got the job and told me it would really help me in the long run.

Help? I really would like this job.


Well-known member
Ok, to me. I have NEVER heard of this. And I have a good friend that is a trainer in Philly. They want to see you in person and do the make up in front of them. That is so odd.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
The girls that first asked you to apply, talk to them.

She said you don't have to do it, but it would help, kinda like a portfolio. I know you have to do a demo interview and such, but would it help having some sort of portfolio or to send some pictures along with the resume?


Well-known member
I've never heard of that either. We have people dropping of portfolios all the time and honestly they don't get looked at. MAC is such a huge company and so many people want to work for MAC that they really make you work in order to get the job. I'd maybe send a cover letter and a resume and include in the cover letter then you were told to fax your resume to her by store/counter. Plus if you're faxing it the pictures wouldnt show up anyway.


Well-known member
Ooh. Thank you. I was wondering how I was supposed to "fax" the pictures too. It kinda confused me, but it makes sense that they aren't looked at because you have to do a demo interview too. That is the one thing I'm very nervous about. I can do makeup on other girls, but I don't know if it's good enough for MAC. I'm really hard on myself to do better all the time. I guess I just need to read up more on the history and programs too.


Well-known member
Even though they probably don't get looked at, someone of authority may get wind of your abilities. I do believe it is possible that this could help get your foot in the door.

In my case, the Manager in charge of the freelance pool saw my on-line portfolio (through a word of mouth recommendation from a MAC Artist that knew my work). She then directed me through the proper channels to get into the up-coming Freelance Audition. This all happened within 3 weeks. I freelanced with MAC for a bit. Then, when openings became available in my area, I got 3 offers for permanent positions from 3 different MAC Counters.

I had to nail my freelance audition, of course; I also know several people who are very frustrated by the fact that they haven't even been able to get into the last 4 freelance auditions.

So, you never know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NaturalSister19
Even though they probably don't get looked at, someone of authority may get wind of your abilities. I do believe it is possible that this could help get your foot in the door.

In my case, the Manager in charge of the freelance pool saw my on-line portfolio (through a word of mouth recommendation from a MAC Artist that knew my work). She then directed me through the proper channels to get into the up-coming Freelance Audition. This all happened within 3 weeks. I freelanced with MAC for a bit. Then, when openings became available in my area, I got 3 offers for permanent positions from 3 different MAC Counters.

I had to nail my freelance audition, of course; I also know several people who are very frustrated by the fact that they haven't even been able to get into the last 4 freelance auditions.

So, you never know.

I have to agree re: online portfolios...word gets around quickly when someone is good...and most people will readily look at someone's work online rather than a hard copy...don't have the slightest idea why, but they do.