I just need someone to listen...


Well-known member
This is so so stupid, I just really need to vent. My boyfriend and I have an apartment and he let his friend "stay" with us. It's been a rent free, bill free month for this guy. He really think it's his place, he even wants a key! wtf is that? Now my bf lost his job and I am paying for everything!! He has $12,000.00 coming in and he really is looking for another job - it was that his company downgraded and he got screwed. But here I am paying rent for his friend!

I am sitting at my desk crying, I keep trying to get rid of him but I know the loser has nowhere else to go and I feel bad because it's christmas time. But I am so broke anymore and the landlord is asking about this dude.
I just need to vent, I know that I sound so stupid right now..


Well-known member
Ahhh ... Well I would simply tell him that the neighbors have obvioulsy told the landlord that there is someone else staying there and the landlord is asking and snooping around. Tell him the landlord states he is not on the lease and this violates your lease agreement, which means you could be putting your own shelter in jeopardy. So unfortunately you can't risk being put out so he is going to have to find some place else that he can reside...FREE!! Ok leave the Free part out...But...come on...


Well-known member
i know! i plan on kicking him out lol i'm just at work and am so frustrated that i needed to get this out.. ya know? i mean, it's causing strain in my relationship that my bf lost his job (i really understand it's not his fault but it;s awful timing!)


Well-known member
i cant stand a leech!!!! you need to speak with your boyfriend and the friend about the situation and fast!! dont sit there crying do something! dont further jeopardize your nerves and your residence!
You want me to tell him!!??


Well-known member
lol, nah i got it - like i said, i'm just at work and it's all i can think about and it's gonna have to wait until later. i am just so disgusted and wanted to tell everyone about it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeba
You want me to tell him!!??

*** cleaning the juice I spit out on my screen off now!!! ***


Well-known member
I totally agree w/ Tish about telling him the landlord is snooping around. That's a great way to put it out there and not make it weird for you...not that u care but you know what I mean. Nobody likes an akward situation. It's terrible about ur bf losing his job, that happened to my dad 3 years ago and 3 freakin days BEFORE Christmas so I totally understand the stress ur prob feeling, but hopefully this will just open up a bigger and better door for him. Now GO and kick his moochin' a** out!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If the landlord is nosing about, that's all you need. My landlord was ADAMANT that no one but the people who are on the lease can live there.

It sucks to have a free loader. Good luck!


Well-known member
I think putting it on the landlord is a great idea. That or making your bf do it, this guy is his friend after all. If he balks at kicking his buddy out, tell him you don't mind supporting him while he's having financial problems but there's no way in hell you're supporting his friend too. That is just crazy.


Well-known member
Thanks again, it's going to be fine. I think it was just the stress of him losing his job that made me freak out! Normally, I would have just kick loser-boy out and call it a day, heh. But he's gone by tommorow night, my boyfriend already gave him the talk to go.. (i checked on my lunch hour and he was packing his stuff - thankfully)
Thanks again so much to everyone, I really needed to vent.


Well-known member
^^^ Thats Great...lets just hope he goes and stays gone.....Sometimes it's like feeding a stray cat...Feed them one time and they just keep coming back!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
hey, it's my nail polish buddy

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation
def talk to your boyfriend coz sitting down and being upset won't solve the problem. I also agree with involving the landlord. Good luck