I lost my baby....


Well-known member
Hi everyone...

I just lost my baby a week a go...I had 3 months pregnant, my husband and I went to the doc for my control, and my baby was 2 months and the doc said he doesnt hear his heart...so he made me an abort.

I'm so sad, i feel guilty, it was our first son, so I dont know what to think...or do...


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear this sweetie.


Well-known member
OMG I'm soooo sorry to be reading this. This just totally breaks my heart! Big hugs to you and your husband and I'll keep you in my prayers!


Well-known member
Very sorry to hear this, it always makes me sad when this happens.

I wish you and your husband luck, dont give up!


Well-known member
Im sorry for your loss. Just know that you are in our prayers.
and we wish you the best. Its not your fault and there is nothing you could have done hon. Ok.

karen diggins

Active member
I am so sorry. My son was born at 27 weeks(just under seven months). I don't know if this will make feel a little bit better but Maybe something was really wrong with the baby. Things happen for a reason. Just take it one day at a time. You can PM me if you need to talk.


Well-known member
Girls...thanks...you are a big support to me, you dont have an idea how your words help me...

Karen I agree with you eveything happends for a reason, but you know there's always this stupids questions in my mind, why me?? what I did wrong?? and of course theres no answerd for that...

Thanks for your prayers and I found this site a few days ago and I'm glad to find you guys...

I wish I could write or tell you more but my english is so poor...all I can tell you is THANKS AND RECEIVE A BIG HUG...

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I had the same thing happen to me on my doctors visit on Valentines Day. If you need someone to talk to please feel free to message me. I am sorry for you loss but my doctor said that most women miscarry their first pregnancy. Only thing is, most women loose them so early on and that most don't even know that their pregnant. But hey, keep trying and remember that they're is always hope as long as you are alive. Again, I am so sorry.

little teaser

Well-known member
sorry for your lost.. i had a miscarrige a few years ago and one year later the same month that i had gotten pregnant befor i was pregnant again.. i felt god sent the baby back to me..

wish you both the best


Well-known member
My deepest sympathy and wishes for you an your husband. Feeling guilt and grief is really very normal. The truth though is you did nothing wrong. It's very comman for a woman to have a miscarriage before a full term pregnancy, espicially in the first tri-mester.
It's helped me in the past to think of a flower garden. Not all seeds are meant to bloom no matter how good the garden.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that. The same thing happened to my friend. The first pregnancy and all. You shouldn't feel guilty. Things like that just happen, for some reason.

When you're up for it again, you can try again. That's what my friend did, and she had a healthy baby the next time around.


Well-known member
That's really sad

Just hang in there for now. Sometimes thats all you can do. There usually is no real rhyme or reason to anything sometimes but you know what its OK because you can get through this. *HUGS*