It's a show guys!!! Like someone else mentioned here, it fits her personality and what she does on TV very well. That's "her" look, what she's known for. Yes, it's extreme and the colors are bold but I think it's a combination of the outrageousness going on in the show, her character and a bit of her personal self in there.
This season I've seen some pretty color combos though...the last episode she had this pretty bronzy and pinkish look which I thought was subtle ( and I mean New York subtle) and real pretty.
Now, the boobs...they need to be deflated a little bit or find a wardrobe to better suit those puppies in. They look like they are about to drip out.
Oh, and her mom looks sooo much better with the new hair style.
LOL...and lets not forget Mr. Midget Man. Poor guy!
I know I know, how embarrassing is it that I watch this show?