I love when customers try to tell me how to do my job...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia

Now this woman, is wearing nasty clothes that don’t fit her (she thinks she’s a size two, but more like a ten) comes up to me and tells me in her thick accent between her big ole fake chicklet teeth .

Wow. I am appalled by your comment. If you wish to describe her try using something else besides the stereotypical mexican chicklet. Then people wonder why stereo types never die.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
I wonder if any of these customers are sitting here reading about themselves, LMAO

haha that would be funny

I dont work at mac but i hate it when people go to a mac counter ask a million questions, try on a million and one things, take up all the MA's time all to buy one flippin lipstick. Or a whole family of like 10 come into the store, crowd around the counter all to buy one flippin lipstick. Its so annoying thats why i've learned to go to mac in the morning all the girls at my mac store are so nice and very patient lol

I feel so sorry for all u girls that have to put up with such rude customers, if it was me and some1 had talked back to me for no reason i would probably smack em ..

and get fired


Well-known member
I work at a MAC counter and we always get that one person who tries to tell you what foundation color to try on them.

I had one woman who's daughter tried to tell me there was no way that was her mothers color and handed me two other studio fix's. I tried them both on her first, not even close.

Then I told the women that I realize that it looked like it wasn't going to match but I would really like to try the one I originally picked out and sure enough I was right.

That is annoying.

brownsuga lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Thank god for inventory sheets and numbered boxes. Around Christmas I spent more time opening stock boxes ("I just need one more lipstick for Great Aunt Ethyl! If you can't find you will have ruined another Griswold family Christmas!") than I did on the sales floor!

This made me hollar.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
Wow. I am appalled by your comment. If you wish to describe her try using something else besides the stereotypical mexican chicklet. Then people wonder why stereo types never die.

Sorry....wasn't trying to offend anyone. Just trying to vent my frustrations about a gross woman who annoyed me who had large veneers on. They were large fake teeth...

I hope that sounds better.

Just to try and clarify:

I grew up in a community with lots and lots of Mexican people and heard this term all the time. I never thought of it as specifically racist mostly because it was used by the Mexican people I was around.

I never ever ever thought that chicklets were specifically associated with a Mexican stereotype either...maybe its the different communities that we live in.
I always heard it used to describe fake looking caps or veneers that looked large and overly white that didn't look like real teeth. Therefore, they looked like large white pieces of gum.

Sorry I offended you though because that was NOT my intent.


Well-known member
when i read your post...i thought the same thing you did, that you were just describing the look of the teeth. i have heard that word used in that manner quite a few times and it was never to describe any specific race just the look of the teeth.


Well-known member
I feel so imitimated whenever I go into a pretty cosemetic store because I can only afford a couple things. I usually do all my research and find out what type of thing I want and narrow it down when I get there.

Wish there was some thread for like ettiqute or something so I don't make any MUs fustrated or anything. It'd be useful. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
i work at the body shop and we recently had a price increase last friday and people are SCREAMING at me and YELLING AND CURSING AT ME in the store like it was my personal decision to change the prices. this one woman had the mannerisms of someone off Charm School Girls. she walked around the store like she was hot shit and richer than all god holy hell but then she went on for 20 minutes about how awful it was that our prices went up like a DOLLAR and "how could i do that". then she was looking at brow liners and she was like "SHOW ME how to do that". so i get the tester and sanitize it, i get a clean brush and i go to show her and she goes "NO youre gonna show me how to do this with THAT brush" meaning the little one in the brow kit. so i show her and she goes "ugh thats absolutely f***cking disgusting. GIVE ME something to take this hideous thing off then GET AWAY FROM ME". then 5 minutes later she is looking at all the oil burners and goes "COME HERE. TELL ME how this works." then i start explaining how to do it and she starts going off on me about how "expensive" the oils are, while waving a soapstone oil burner around during her rant. and low and behold she BREAKS it. then when i go to clean it up she goes "GET AWAY FROM ME. youre in MY way" and at no point EVER apologized for breaking the item nor did she ever offer to pay, which is what alot of normal people do. that was absolutely IT. i had to walk in the back room and relax before i slapped her. might i also add that she was not only being a huge b i t c h to everyone in the store, but she was also returning $50 of makeup products without a receipt, which im pretty sure was STOLEN from another store.

ive had customers come in the store and yell at me about our color selection, like i personally made up all the colors myself. sorry, this is the body shop, our makeup line sucks... mac is 2 stores down and sephora is directly below us. stop yelling at me.

at my store we give out alot of free samples with almost every purchase. that just part of our body shop theory. that doesnt mean people can waltz into the store with no intention of getting anything and just go up and ask "do you have anything free today". its free for you to get out of my store, thats whats free today.

i definetly feel your pain when it comes to awful customers.
i really dont understand who people really think that they are, and what possesses people to be so rude and obnoxious to perfect strangers.
if you dont need help with anything, be polite about it.
if you have questions, be polite about it. there is no reason to be obnoxious or act like we are ruining your life by asking if you have any questions. thats out JOB. i especially love it when i welcome people to the store and inform them of our sales and ask if they have any questions and theyre like "NO! JUST LOOKING LEAVE ME ALONE" then 2 seconds later theyre like COME HERE. HELP ME NOW.
the other day my manager welcomed someone to the store and she was like LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. literally she said that to him and walked out of the store.

this is horrible! i cant belive ppl are so rude;/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
when i read your post...i thought the same thing you did, that you were just describing the look of the teeth. i have heard that word used in that manner quite a few times and it was never to describe any specific race just the look of the teeth.

Ditto. She obviously meant teeth that look like chiclet gum - you know, overly big, square and too white. In other words, bad veneers. I've never heard chiclet be used in any racial or ethnic context.

Chiclets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-known member

OMG, when I *briefly* worked retail, I was written up soooo many times! I can see and raise a customer's bitch bet (eye roll, sarcasm, and attitude) notch for notch. I had sooo much fun returning the "favor" of rude people.

The best part was when someone else would ask me for help with something, and I was just as sweet as pie and iced tea on a hot day, then turned back to Mr. or Ms. Assy McAsserton and went right back into their idiocy.

Fun times.


Well-known member
No this is one that happened TODAY at my store to one of my friends: she was helping a lady in a wheelchair pick out some stuff, and taking her around to various places. Well this one witch cut right in front of their path, and when my friend asked her to nicely move, the lady snapped back "I'm on my phone!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia
Sorry....wasn't trying to offend anyone. Just trying to vent my frustrations about a gross woman who annoyed me who had large veneers on. They were large fake teeth...

I hope that sounds better.

Just to try and clarify:

I grew up in a community with lots and lots of Mexican people and heard this term all the time. I never thought of it as specifically racist mostly because it was used by the Mexican people I was around.

I never ever ever thought that chicklets were specifically associated with a Mexican stereotype either...maybe its the different communities that we live in.
I always heard it used to describe fake looking caps or veneers that looked large and overly white that didn't look like real teeth. Therefore, they looked like large white pieces of gum.

Sorry I offended you though because that was NOT my intent.

Thanks for clearing that up, but the here where I grew up they always say mexicans make their kids sell chiclets, and other "jokes" associated w/ the gum, so I thought you use that specific description cus she was Mexican.

No harm done


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia
I Other than that, I’ve only had shitty co-workers trying to get me fired because I weight 300lbs less than them and have a successful life/career and they are old fat cows.


Do you honestly think that your co workers try to get you fired because you are thinner than them??? I'm a plus size girl and I can honestly say I don't give a crap about what size my colleagues are...skinny, chubby or inbetween is all the same to me. What bothers me is attitude and whether they are a nice person to be around. This comment made you sound very prejudiced and mean spirited!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animecute
I feel so imitimated whenever I go into a pretty cosemetic store because I can only afford a couple things. I usually do all my research and find out what type of thing I want and narrow it down when I get there.

Wish there was some thread for like ettiqute or something so I don't make any MUs fustrated or anything. It'd be useful. lol

Courtesy goes a long way...and, personally, I LOVE a customer who knows what she wants!!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by animecute
I feel so imitimated whenever I go into a pretty cosemetic store because I can only afford a couple things. I usually do all my research and find out what type of thing I want and narrow it down when I get there.

Wish there was some thread for like ettiqute or something so I don't make any MUs fustrated or anything. It'd be useful. lol

If you read the bad customers thread, it pretty much sums up everything you don't want to do as a good customer.
So just do the opposite of what they're venting about and you should be good.


Well-known member

Tonight a woman came to my counter with SIX FREAKING LANCOME TESTERS shoved in her purse. All I am able to do is call security. I wanted to freaking slap her. They caught her and all, but seriously- how stupid are people?

Yeah, and I saw them sticking out of her purse as she yelled "HEY YOU! COME DO MY MAKEUP!". I walked over and she reeked of alcohol and was slurring her words. She wanted "green cat eyes". And then she grabbed a pot of cream foundation and smeared it all over her face with her fingers and tried to blend it in with a powder brush. and then grabbed a dark burgundy liner, lined outside her lips, and filled the rest in with POWDER.

I'm so tired. I need to be locked away in a nice quiet room for a few weeks before putting me back behind that counter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie

Oh, and one more: "Um... how much is a makeover???" asked by a 14-year old girl. (No offense meant, ladies- not all 14-year olds are like this, but sorry: many are). Um, we don't charge for makeovers, so you can save your money to buy our great products, you reply. As you watch her eyes light up, you write off the next 20 minutes of your life. So you make her extra cute, and when you're done watch her climb down off the stool, brightly say "THANKS!" and watch her walk out the door while getting on her cell to tell all of her friends how cool Nordstrom's MAC counter is 'cause they don't charge you for a full makeover. However, if you're smart, you handed her the business card of the associate you don't like, so when she calls later for appointments for all 12 of her friends before they go to Red Robin for dinner, you're not stuck with it.

Haha, that's insane. I actually didn't know that MAC makeovers are free, I definitely want one now.

Don't worry, I'll definitely buy something though, even if the MA/SA didn't use it on me for the makeover.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KellyBean
Haha, that's insane. I actually didn't know that MAC makeovers are free, I definitely want one now.

Don't worry, I'll definitely buy something though, even if the MA didn't use it on me for the makeover.

I believe that there is a $50 min purchase at any mac counter for a make over i know that some of the MA are not that strict but i have been told that there is a min purchase required.


Well-known member
Yes, there is a minimum purchase. And it depends of the location: A MAC Store charges you 50$ for the application alone, whereas an application at a counter is free but a minimum purchased is required.