I might have a house!!!


Well-known member
I have been voting on houses for 2 years now, and finally I got to view 2, I saw the first one today and the other one tomorrow!!!
At today's house I was nr 7 on the list, but nr 2-6 didn't show up, so now I'm nr 2 on the list. the house I will see tomorrow is slightly larger, and I'm nr 2 on that list, that is if the nr 1 on the list shows up tomorrow! (I HOPE big time the nr 1 doesn't, cause the location of house nr 2 is awesome, only 2 minutes away from the trainstation!)

and the irony in this story: I got a room in the livingtower of the hospital....I moved out 2 WEEKS ago! if whe're lucky I will be moving for the second in a month!

I'm so excited, I had to share!!!


New member
Congrats!!!!!! I know what stress it can be when you are looking for a home.

um....Can you explain a bit about what all you mean by voting and NR?


Well-known member
Oh honey that sounds great!!! I hope you get the house!

I think by voting she means that she applied for the house....(hope I'm right!)


Well-known member
thansk girls!

If you want a rental house here, you can 'vote' for 2 houses a week online, and the computer gives you a number on the waiting list(according to the date you logged in for the first time). It usually takes 2-3 years to get a rentalhouse, but the positive side is that the houses are cheap. I'm going to check out the other house in 30 minutes! I'll give you an update when I know more!


Well-known member
ugh the house was a total dump....so I said no.
the house we checked out yesterday was cool, and I probably hear later today if nr one does not want the house... how exciting!!


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that today's house was a disaster. I'm really hoping that you get the house you checked out yesterday.


Well-known member
the other house was accepted by the first person on the list that week, but I voted again and this time we where the nr 1!!!!

sooooo.....I got one!!!! it's in the center of the old part of town
I'm sooo happy!!!

I'll show pics when we have fixed the place!!!