I need a FACE cleanser that actually WORKS!!


New member
I just cant find one. My skin used to be great, but after I turned 21 and had my son it just went down the tube. lol. I have tried proactive, and it worked...but not well. And as soon as I stopped it, my skin got 10 times worse. Im trying to find a skin regimine that I could just purchase at wal mart or something..but if not, oh well...I can go more expensive


New member
I love Clinique's 3-Step System. They have different formulas for different skin types. My roommate and I have very different skin types, so we use different formulas, but it works great for both of us. They also have an acne system, but I've been told that's only if you have really bad acne.
Sometimes, though, if you have hormonal acne, it doesn't matter what you use on your face, the acne is never going to go away with just face cleansers, it takes medicine, such as birth control or acne medicines.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
I think we need to know more about skin type and such to give decent rec's

Agreed. Please share more about your skin type.


Well-known member
i use clinique's three step system and i really like it. i've been using it for about two months and i've had far fewer breakouts (none actually, aside from the monthly hormonal one) and some of my old acne scars are even appearing to fade. however i've heard this system is hit and miss.