I need a pick me up


Well-known member
Hey girlies!
I just got my tonsils out yesterday so I've been home, in bed, browsing the site and MAC's site, TheSheSpace, etc. and I want to try something new. Once I'm feeling better and can get out and about (and actually eat something other than chocolate ice cream) I want to get my hair dyed back to my natural color. I have dark brown hair and I always either do red or golden brown highlights so I haven't seen my "real" hair in a long time. I was hoping for some suggestions on some colors. I love any and all colors and would love something that will complement both my dark hair and green eyes. I am also an NC30. I work at a school so I'm out for the holidays until the 5th and plan on doing some major shopping for m/u when I go with my best friend to Houston for New Year's. Any suggestions??? Help a sickly gal have something to look forward to!!! TIA!

BTW, having your tonsils out at 29 BLOWS. I feel like I have a giant golf ball stuck in my throat and I feel icky. This site has helped me keep my mind off of it when I'm waiting for my liquid Lortab (which is nasty) to kick in!!!


Well-known member
I think colours like Amber Lights, Antiqued, Coppering, would all look amazing wih dark hair and green eyes
Feel better soon!


Well-known member
Get some pigments like Cocomotion, Vanilla, Old Gold, Rose and Gold Mode. The eyeshadows, get Expensive Pink, Sushi Flower, Naked Lunch and Shadowy Lady.

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