I Need Blush Suggestions!


Well-known member
Hi laides, I need help filling up my blush palette! I've got a bunch of Mineralize blushes and some MSFS, but I need some regular blushes for my palette (preferably from the perm. line or an upcoming collection). The two I have in it right now are X-Rocks and Plum Du Bois. I need some pinks and peaches for sure, maybe a purpley/plum too? I wear NC45/50 in Mac Select SPF and Studio Fix, 173 in MUFE HD foundation. I'm thinking of getting Dollymix but would love to hear your suggestions or if you have similar coloring as me what your favs are.


Well-known member
When i saw the word blushes in the title i knew i had to read this thread!
haha Blushes my favorite thing!

Well guess what? I'm NC45 tooo, so i guess the blushes that work for me should work for you too!

A few which i think you should try are :
Plum Foolery is a gorgeous plum colour! I love it!
Peachtwist is more of a neutral colour on our skin tone!
Dollymix is a really pretty pinkish colour
I think Hipness from MAC to the beach will look pretty too (i haven't seen it in person, so don't quote me on that
Ambering Rose is a really pretty dusty rose colour which i feel doesn't get enough attention, esp since it's not a really out there colour. Looks dark in the pan but is def something we can pull off!

As for peach blushes, most of mine at LEs
Like Ripe peach which i adore & Benefit's.

Okays too much ramblings. HTH!