I owned myself =/


Well-known member
I completely, utterly, totally owned myself today.

I was feeling a bit... A.D.D.... or frisky? (still up in the air) Decided wrestling with Ian on the bed would be a good idea because like I had this insane thought for a minute that I was stronger than him. Next thing I know things got a bit rougher than intended and I was sailing through the air crashing down.. landing HARD on my face. ouch. I haven't experienced complete agony in awhile so it was rather refreshing as you can imagine.

To make it even better (!) I was wearing my glasses and, since I landed face first, they smashed against my face, giving me a nice shiner (black eye) and a deep gouge from the metal brackets on the side of my face. Did I mention the carpet burn on my forehead yet? Yah, I got a nicccce big flaming hot patch of carpet burn on my forehead above my eye.

Yippee, now I get to go to work tommorow and watch everyone stare at my swollen, carpet burned, cut and scratched, black eyed face!

(and I thought having to go to work with noticeable blemishes was a miserable day)


Well-known member
Aw you poor thing! Wrestling with significant others is truly hazardous!

I had a similar thing happen to me, where I was wrestling with my boyfriend at the time, my toenail got caught in a bedsheet, cracked in the middle and pierced the flesh underneath. We have plenty of nerve endings there.

It hurt so much, I actually went into shock, or perhaps that was because I saw blood coming out from under my nail. Before going into shock I managed to hop to my parents' bedroom, other end of the house of course, and asked my dad what to do (he's a registered nurse). I showed him and he asked "What on earth were you doing?" and with deep embarrassment, mumbled "Wrestling".

I had to take an entire week off work (as a waitress, couldn't wear my work shoes) and when my workmates found out why, they thought it was funny that a broken toenail was my reason for being off sick. I didn't tell them how...


Well-known member
hahah awwwwwwwwww!!!!!! im sure your rug burn isnt as bad as my 3 inch long curling iron burn smack dab in the middle of my forehead. its been there for 2 weeks ;[


Well-known member
hehe :X
It is funny, kinda like when you're young and you bust your ass on ice or snow and all your friends stand around you laughing and you just want to smack everyone, but end up laughing at yourself.

I hope your head/face feel better very soon!!


Well-known member
Haha I'll share my blooper from the other night....My boyfriend and I were um, "wrestling," and rolled over and straight up fell right off the bed. I of course landed on the bottom. It was the first time I wasn't so excited about my new tile floors. I felt bad for my boy Jase bc he was trying to keep it sexy and I was just laughing HYSTERICALLY. Now I have a huge foot-long bruise down the back of my leg. If I have one more person ask me what it's from, I swear...


Well-known member
Today's most often heard comment:

"I don't even WANT to know how you got carpet burn there."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
Today's most often heard comment:

"I don't even WANT to know how you got carpet burn there."

See, I'm a smartass so I'd go and buy the biggest fake diamond I could find and then when people mentioned the carpet burn, I'd show them the ring and say with a straight face (of course) "It was worth it"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
Originally Posted by Janice
Today's most often heard comment:

"I don't even WANT to know how you got carpet burn there."

See, I'm a smartass so I'd go and buy the biggest fake diamond I could find and then when people mentioned the carpet burn, I'd show them the ring and say with a straight face (of course) "It was worth it"

LOL!!! i almost peed my pants reading this!!! HA H AHA HA


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
I completely, utterly, totally owned myself today.

I was feeling a bit... A.D.D.... or frisky? (still up in the air) Decided wrestling with Ian on the bed would be a good idea because like I had this insane thought for a minute that I was stronger than him. Next thing I know things got a bit rougher than intended and I was sailing through the air crashing down.. landing HARD on my face. ouch. I haven't experienced complete agony in awhile so it was rather refreshing as you can imagine.

To make it even better (!) I was wearing my glasses and, since I landed face first, they smashed against my face, giving me a nice shiner (black eye) and a deep gouge from the metal brackets on the side of my face. Did I mention the carpet burn on my forehead yet? Yah, I got a nicccce big flaming hot patch of carpet burn on my forehead above my eye.

Yippee, now I get to go to work tommorow and watch everyone stare at my swollen, carpet burned, cut and scratched, black eyed face!

(and I thought having to go to work with noticeable blemishes was a miserable day)

oh my you poor girl! lmfao! i'm sorry babe!

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