I saw this disturbing message about Mac!!!


Well-known member
Hiya lovelies ,I was browsing for some info and i came across this website Fake MAC Cosmetics Alert!.
One of the posters posted somehow disturbing message...mainly that he knowingly sells counterfeit Mac...he tells the customers ,it's fake and hey he sells quite a lot
I copied and pasted so you all can have a look ...

Hi People,
I sell fake MAC makeup for over 4 years now. AND NOT ON EBAY AND I ALSO TELL MY CUSTOMERS IT`S FAKE. I now a couple people that work for mac and they even tell me that the quality is not much different than the real stuff. REMEMBER 70% of the price you pay for mac is only for the name, nothing else than good marketing and promotions. If i have to pick between a brush set that cost over 300$ in the shop or the same set not produced by MAC but cost only 100$, it a easy choice. I have over 300 customers in the states in Canada and they are more than happy with the fake stuff. I now it is a big problem on Ebay and i don`t think it is right to sell fake as real. But everybody knows that 90% of the stuff on Ebay is fake. If you want real MAC and spend crazy amounts of money on it go to a MAC shop ,don`t even look to save a couple buks is not worth the risk. Because the fakes i sell are 100% the same as the real ones. You will need a expert to tell that they are fake. This is not to promote anything or to make more customers, but if you want to now of you bought fake stuff send me a email at [email protected] with good photo`s of the products you both. AGAIN IF YOU BUY ANYTHING OFF EBAY you will take u big risk, always ask for a receipt and where there supplier is located. EVERYTHING FROM MAC IS MADE IN CANADA. I hope this was helpful
With attitudes like this Im not blinking surprised that the counterfeit trade in Mac is thriving !!
the ignorance of some people is just astonishing ...
I have one word for the above seller it begins with" w and it finishes with r" !!!Lol if i had a bit more time ...i was going to email them ....>

ok will post later I must pick my little cherub from school



Well-known member
That is a very disturbing message. Why in the hell would this person sell fake MAC and tell people that it's fake and have people be happy with the fakes? I don't get it. I wouldn't be happy to get a fake MAC product from that person at all! I went on that site and left a comment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
What's the point of buying fake mac? I dont get it....

I guess it's in the same line than the fake Louis Vuitton...

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I guess there has been and there will always be cheap people looking for a deal who will take whatever they get. Personally I feel that if anyone knowingly buys and uses Fake MAC then they get exactly what they deserve!! There is no regulation so who knows what they are putting on their skin. I guess if they don't care about what happens to themselves then why should we?

You buy a fake handbag what's the worst that could happen? It falls apart. You buy fake cosmetics and you are opening up yourself to a whole other world of issues! I don't understand the lengths that some people will go and take risks for a deal (or what they think is a deal).
Knowingly buying and using fake cosmetics, skincare etc has to be one of the most disturbing and stupid things to do!

Not me...never!!


Well-known member
it's so weird that someone would buy fake mac. is it for the name? because i do not buy mac for the name, i buy it for the quality.. when i'm low on money (like now lol) i just do not buy and if i really need something i hit up CVS and get something i can afford.
crazy people..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
What's the point of buying fake mac? I dont get it....

I don't understand it either. I can see if someone you were buying from told you that the items were real when it turns out that they were fake but when the seller directly tells you that their items are fake?

I can understand someone not wanting to pay full price for certain Mac items (Monogram for example) but I guess people really don't realize that for one, Mac's items last you a helluva long time and two, that there are certain sellers that are do sell authentic items. I used to be impatient about getting certain items before but now I see it more as an investment because I know now that there is no way I'll use up most of the stuff I have. I'd rather save up a little while longer and be satisfied then just buy something that I knew was fake.

It's just about being patient and waiting until you find a seller(s) whom can be verified by others that their products are authentic. I know that had I never found this board, I would have never been able to understand and pay attention to the little details that let you know that a makeup item is fake.

Sorry to ramble.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BEA2LS
it's so weird that someone would buy fake mac. is it for the name? because i do not buy mac for the name, i buy it for the quality.. when i'm low on money (like now lol) i just do not buy and if i really need something i hit up CVS and get something i can afford.
crazy people..

I do the same exact thing. I'd rather buy drugstore products then to buy a fake product and still come out paying less then I would have buying the fake products. I'm pretty damn sure it's better quality too.


Well-known member
I get the fake Louis Vuitton - well, it's a bit tacky but at least the products essentially shouldn't be unsafe on your health.

But with fake MAC the stuff's going on your skin, all over your face near your eyes and lips and if you don't know what it contains then you could be putting your health at so much risk... I think people aren't as aware of this as we think!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
AGAIN IF YOU BUY ANYTHING OFF EBAY you will take u big risk,

What, more of a risk than actually knowingly buying fake mac from him? At least with ebay there's an outside chance that its genuine.

I really can't understand the point of this. If the qualities the same, if the ingredients stand up, then why not just market the product under your own brand, rather than having to steal someone elses? He says that 70% of the price of MAC is for the brand, but actually he's benefitting from that brand, the pricing and the marketing strategies, or why else would it have the MAC name on it?

Also, if your products are 100% the same - then HOW would an expert be able to tell the difference?


Well-known member
this is exactly why I dont buy on ebay, you never know what you're getting, and theres people like this that think theres no difference and it's no big deal. Ugh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
That is a very disturbing message. Why in the hell would this person sell fake MAC and tell people that it's fake and have people be happy with the fakes? I don't get it. I wouldn't be happy to get a fake MAC product from that person at all! I went on that site and left a comment.

Glam good on you girl!I will leave a comment too...but im afraid some of the words i want to use are unprintable!!!

You buy fake Prada wallet,it may dent your pride a bit to have that fake but at least it won't give you a nasty skin lesions or worse !!People are sometimes so thick and greedy,they will buy any old crap as long a sit has a name!!
It really baffles me!
Everytime when i go to Italy,(especially in summer,around seaside places) you are usually get accosted by sellers with fake Gucci,Armani,Prada ,LV bags,wallets,belts,shirts etc,etc personally i never buy as im not into designer labels if i can't have the real thing,Id rather not have it at all or go for cheaper brand like M&Spencer or H&M!

With makeup well if I can't afford Mac,I will either save or get Revlon or L'oreal but never ever any counterfeit cosmetic!Since having my kids i have been more environmentally aware and would not risk it ever

ps.Nice of him to include his email address!Perhaps he thought he MAY get more customers



Well-known member
It irked me that he kept spelling "know" as "now." He's obviously not very educated. So what if the fake MAC he sells is like the real stuff, you don't get any guarantee from buying the fakes. Just because some people are willing to support the business of counterfeit MAC, I'm not gonna.


Well-known member
"You buy a fake handbag what's the worst that could happen? It falls apart."

Actually, supporting any knock-offs be it MAC or designer labels can be harmful to both the people purchasing it as well as those that make it. LVMH not only takes strong efforts to prosecute counterfeit manufacturers to protect their own interests, but also to the workers in sweatshops making the fakes. I'd prefer to purchase from companies that uphold strong ethical values, not just to save a quick buck.

Candy Christ

Well-known member
I think he contradicted himself in there also but I got lost in his nonsensical typing. This guy is such a trip, I swear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
It irked me that he kept spelling "know" as "now."

Lol yes it irked me too! People who can't spell really annoy me!


Well-known member
The fact that the seller had the nerve to say all that is.. awesome. I think it's hilarious. If people want fake stuff, they can buy it. Personally, I love cheap alternatives, but if I want MAC, I'm gonna get real MAC. I guess I just don't understand what's "disturbing" about this. I think being shady about what you sell is far more disturbing.