I think I got some fake MACs!


New member



I ordered 3 from same seller and from what I read they are fake. The other two travel ones I dont know about,
one is dark soul with clear sticker on bottom with what looks like a A40
other is Rose with F21J printed on bottom of jar.

I got from ebay, can I get my money back since they said it was authenthic.?


New member
I am new to MAC so I really didn't know. I sent a message to the seller and she said she bought from outlet store and was trying to jazz up her "fake" MAC......how pretty it was. I simply said yes it is very pretty but........it is NOT MAC. Next message she says her product is not fake blah blah blah. SHe is giving me refund


Well-known member
yes they are fake, the huge stickers look horrible, go to the resolution center open a case called "item not as described" Ebay ALWAYS finds for the customer in cases like this especially, unless ebay is made to keep covering these type of rip-off's
they will just let the counterfeiter's run wild and what ever you do don't put that on your skin. You will win under buyer protection.

If you cant find the links to do it call them.


Well-known member
The stickers, the 'spouts' inside the jars, and the fact they all have the exact same code on the bottom of the box all show that these are indeed fakes, and bad ones at that. I hope you get your refund alright, and please do leave negative feedback to warn other potential buyers that she is selling fake goods


Well-known member
Please go through with the claim.
Ebay will back you up and it may help a future buyer avoid this scammer's game.
Please keep us up-dated on how things go.