I tried it..... but it looks UGLY :o(


Well-known member
i think you look really pretty. its very natural, not boring. i like it alot.


Active member
I agree! You look natural and pretty. If you're looking for more colour, try adding a darker crease shade and brighter lipstick/gloss.


Well-known member
You look neither old, nor boring! In fact, these colors look great on you IMHO. The warmer colors highlight your natural beauty!


New member
It looks natural... it doesnt look boring and you def. do not look old! you could always try to bring out brighter colors in the eyes. that's what i do for a bit more color, you don't have to use browns and bronzes all over. you could try to make the eyes stand out with a bit brighter color (if you want a little flashier makeup) and tone the cheeks down. IMHO the cheeks and the lips were somewhat the problem before being too pink and all. so you can keep the blush and the l/s the way it is now and try for bolder eye colors!


Well-known member
Yep,.. it looks very pretty and you DO NOT look old, but if you are wanting more color again I will suggest stuff like,.. Expensive pink, Gleam, Goldmine etc for the eyes,.. You can make them bright,.. just nothing too cool for your cheeks etc,..

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I think you look beautiful in the new pics, you're probably just not used to such a neutral look.
I've always been told that if you do a strong lip, then keep the eyes simple...and vice versa. So just decide what kinda look you're going for, then focus on that one area of the face. You can use strong blush, but I think more of a peach/bronze color would look fabulous on you. Instead of just using a brown/beige eyeshadow, throw a bright color in the mix. Adding bright pink, blue, purple or green would look great as they all look beautiful with dark or light browns. A splash of color adds vibrancy without overdoing it. As you get more used to it, you can use more color and know what colors suit you.


Well-known member
Quite the opposite, you look really young! The warmer colors suit you. The cool colors seemed to really wash you out. I saw your make-up before I noticed U. I really like the warmer look. For color, I agree with the others.


Well-known member
I think you look great. A little blush (doesn't look like you have any on in those pictures unless I'm just blind. ;p) would give you a nice, healthy glow!


Originally Posted by shygirl
Quite the opposite, you look really young! The warmer colors suit you. The cool colors seemed to really wash you out. I saw your make-up before I noticed U. I really like the warmer look. For color, I agree with the others.

aww thats sweet, u think so? how old would you think i am??


Well-known member
You look hot

Maybe use a green in the crease, like an olive green to bring out your eyes?

quite frankly nothing is worse then seeing a woman with WAY too much makeup on
You look about my age-23

Maybe look at some pictures of Sandra Bullock and her makeup to get some ideas as you really favor her


Basically perhaps I'd like to see you in more brownish golds thats just me.

Maybe take some brown eyeliner and smudge it along your lashline as well?

Just a thought?


Well-known member
The makeup is understated but the overall look is really pretty! It's just that you're not used to seeing that look on yourself. Don't let that put you if - it works really well. Give Viva Glam V lipgloss a try too because that will look really nice.


Well-known member
What exactly do you not like about it? I think that looks great and is very fresh and clean.


Well-known member
I think you are really pretty the way you are. I would recommend using some darker brown and bronze shadows and try some smokey eyes. That would look amazing on you.


Well-known member
That does not look ugly at all. I think that what it is is just that you're used to wearing pink lipstick so you think this is ugly. I actually really like this.


Well-known member
OK now i've had a chance to think about it- I think you dont like it because #1 your not used to it and #2 you think you need more color.

So here is what I suggest and maybe try this ok? I'm giving both MAC and L'Oreal Recommendations

You look like you have amazing Green eyes. So lets see what we can do to help that ok?

Take a color like retrospect (By mac) and its light a light vanilla-y color like what is on your browbone in this picture but its shimmery-use it from lashline to browbone in a patting motion.

Then take a color like MAC Patina- which is a muted toned brown with gold shimmer and pat it on your eyelid with a brush.

Then take an olive green, like MAC Greensmoke- and sweep it into your crease.

Line your eyes with a brown eyeliner or Green/olive eyeliner. Then with your brush kind of smudge it out a little.

Then curl your lashes and add some mascara

For blush, maybe use MAC Cubic which is a very soft muted pink but still has some warm tones to it. DO NOT APPLY WITH A HEAVY HAND.

And for your lips, maybe use a nice natural nudey looking lipgloss.

HOpe this helps hon