I was offered an application at MAC today...


Well-known member
I went into MAC with my "auntie," the woman whose make up I did and posted on Saturday. She needed a new concealer and foundation because her summer tan settled in quite nicely, and her make up was far too light. I went in with her and told the artist available what she needed, what her skin type was, etc.
My friend works at the store and I was chatting it up with her and looking at new stuff and whatnot, and I guess while I was doing that the artist was telling my aunt how impressed she was that I knew exactly what I was talking about when I suggested what things she needed to try and buy for her skin/face etc. The artist also complimented my make up and mentioned that she always sees me in there and then motioned me over and asked me if I'd ever worked in cosmetics before. I said no, and she said "Would you be interested in working here?" and i wanted to shout out "Hell yeah!" but I remained professional lol. She actually ended up being one of the main trainers at the store.
She said that permanent positions in that particular store as well as another freestanding store in my town were limited but that I should absolutely apply to start freelancing and gain exposure to the company and get acquainted with the stores/counters in the region so that when a position does open up, I'll have a better chance of getting it. She said that I'd make an excellent employee at MAC with a bit more practice and exposure to the industry, which I could gain by freelancing. So she gave me the store manager's business card and got my name to write down for her to let her know that I'd be coming back in the next couple of weeks to show her my portfolio and fill out an application.
So now I have to rush and collect my best work as well as do some new work on different people so that I can go in there prepared. What kinds of looks should I include in my portfolio? She told me to include pictures that show skill as well as let my creativity shine through. I'm planning on using at least one male face, and different skin tones and ages. I plan on including about 7 or 8 looks and I'm going to try very hard not to use my own pictures lol. Wish me luck!


Well-known member
Wow, that's great! Good luck to you!


Well-known member
It really was! I was like beaming for the rest of the day, my boyfriend goes "If you get a job there, you're gonna need another one of those f'ing suitcase make up things you have." lmao


Well-known member
That is awesome! Good luck with your portfolio! That is a lot of work, but you will do great, and obviously they are interested!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Congrats girlie.....go ahead girl "show them what you working wit" & "drop it like its hot" LOL had to throw that in


Well-known member
You know pixie, im allan whats your real name?Because sometimes I hate calling ppl by their use name...anyways i know you'll be good anyway...any mac addict and specktra addict should do awsome.I have been waiting for you to get the job foreva now...so i think this is a sign.Go for it and give it you all!I wish you the best of luck!

Allan =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by allan_willb
You know pixie, im allan whats your real name?Because sometimes I hate calling ppl by their use name...anyways i know you'll be good anyway...any mac addict and specktra addict should do awsome.I have been waiting for you to get the job foreva now...so i think this is a sign.Go for it and give it you all!I wish you the best of luck!

Allan =)

thanks! i guess it was just a matter of timing because I'm in there all the time and that's never happened to me. But since I was actually showing that I knew what I was talking about while I was helping my aunt. most people come in and go "Concealer?" and there's like 4 or 5 different ones and they're like "uhhhh....that one maybe?" lol not me, I can run down why each one's different and which one would be best for what kind of coverage, which must have impressed her because I see her all the time and she barely speaks to me lol
and my name's ashlee btw
and i picked up my application last night and i've already got 4 different looks (by different people!) to put in my "portfolio." And I have 3 more to do this weekend, so I'll probably have the application in by next week.

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