I wish I had more reliable friends....*rant*


Well-known member
So, essentially I started inviting some friends over for a small get together tonight. Everybody that said they were coming sounded really excited and texted me for directions and asked what they should/could bring over. I got some little snacks and some movies and made dinner...

Well, nobody's here. And nobody's coming. Suddenly today, everybody who pretended to be so excited to come and hang out had something "come up." (I feel like Marcia Brady: "something suddenly came up!") And now I have a lot of homecooked food and DVDs mocking me for the rest of the evening. Even the dog has found something better to do, and it squeaks and is apparently a lot more fun than I am.

It's bad enough that I'm younger than all of my friends, and for the next couple of months can't go out where they go out. But I made an effort to do something where we could all get together, and everybody bailed. And I'm extremely depressed now.

Thanks for listening to me whine.


Well-known member
I'm sorry girlie
The good part is at least they called, but sometimes people seem to pick out the best "offer," and that's not being a friend. I'd be super disappointed too.


Well-known member
that's why sometimes i get scared of hosting my own party, maybe everyone will be too busy to come.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear that Ashlee
I'd be very disappointed too especially if I've cooked all that food and no one showed up
Try not to let it ruin the rest of your evening though. Spend quality time with your SO instead, the food's already there
Or bring some to the neighbors. I do this at least once a month to "catch" up on what's going on around the neighborhood. Everyone's just busy all the time that it gives me a chance to talk to my neighbors a bit so they don't think I'm a recluse.

Big hugs to you and I hope we're neighbors at the moment as I haven't cooked dinner yet, lol.

d n d

Well-known member
I can feel your pain. That type of thing usually happens to me when a certain gal friend of mine and I plan to go to the mall or something but then suddenly I don't hear from her it all. That "something came up" is usually her boyfriend who she complains about all the time but runs to his every beck and call. I'm not hater but since when is it cool to break plans with a friend!

The sad part of it all is if it was you that broke the plans, you'd probably NEVER hear the end of it (or atleast thats been my experience).

Okay, I am rambling now. I hope you feel better and sorry about your plans!


Well-known member
Things happen, so please don't get depressed. At least that they let you know they weren't coming. Now think positive and don't let these types of things get you down. You're a great person obviously to invite people over and cook all of that food. Your heart is in the right place and God knows that. Keep doing your thing and keep your head up. Maybe you can ask some other friends and family to come over and help you eat all of that food.


Well-known member
I know you're in San Diego and I'm in San Francisco but I feel like out friends are the same people. Girl it sucks and I know how it feels. No matter what anyone says it sucks and it sucks hard. I've started forgetting about those friends who are repeat offenders. True, sometimes shit does come up and sometimes people are super tired and don't want to do anything. But sometimes they're inconciderate and a real friend isn't like that.


Well-known member
The next time you have DVDs and home cooked food, call me!!!!

Sorry they left you hanging. Sometimes people really don't think about the effect of their actions. Shame.


Well-known member
I've found that this has happened to me too ever since I moved down here to San Diego. In L.A., all my friends would show up and bring their friends too. I'd usually end up having too many people over. Down here though, everyone always seems to have some "emergency" happen to them and they flake. Don't know what it is. Maybe cuz I've known my friends in L.A. longer. But cheer up, it's their loss.


Well-known member
i'm sorry this happened to you and that you have gone through a lot of effort to make the food and get dvd's, people are so inconsiderate at times.


Well-known member
Ugh, that sucks. Maybe next time, say something like, "OK so that's great you will be come, I will plan in for you and make enough food for everyone." Or something like that. Then they know you will be spending money on food and drinks and it would be really rude to pull out last minute.

I hate flaky friends.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I know you're in San Diego and I'm in San Francisco but I feel like out friends are the same people. Girl it sucks and I know how it feels. No matter what anyone says it sucks and it sucks hard. I've started forgetting about those friends who are repeat offenders. True, sometimes shit does come up and sometimes people are super tired and don't want to do anything. But sometimes they're inconciderate and a real friend isn't like that.

I agree, I have weeded out a lot of "fairweather" friends. If it happens once, ok - shit happens. But if it happens again and again, that's not a true friend to me. I hate flaky people! I would rather be alone than be disappointed over and over again.

I had a "friend" who used to flake out on me all the time, we'd make plans to go out together clubbing or to a restaurant, so I would spend lots of time getting ready, doing my hair and makeup, getting all dressed up - and just as I was about to head out the door, she would call up and say she was tired or had a headache and didn't want to go - so I'd be all dressed up, in the mood to go out, and have nowhere to go and it being too late to make other plans. It made me so effing mad! She's not a friend anymore.


Well-known member
If that's the case, I would only do something for them when they got to the door and make it one of those interactive parties. Let them help cook or something like that. If they show up regularly after a while, then I'd go back to investing more time and energy into the preparations.


Well-known member
Thanks peoples...

The thing is, most of them knew they weren't gonna come before they told me, so it would have been nothing for them to let me know. I spoke to them within hours of them supposed to be showing up and they were all gung-ho about it, and then around 7 and 8 when people were supposed to be showing up I got all these texts. And the people I called didn't answer or return my calls. I just think it's rude. Instinctly, I knew it was going to happen, so the fact that I got upset was probably my own fault. I'm an incredibly lonely person believe it or not, so I tend to get excited at the idea of not being alone, and then when that doesn't work out I get more upset than most people would.
Eventually, two of them showed up, and they were so pissed that the others didn't, so at least I know my real friends are. And my best friend is out of town for a couple of months, and I know she would have been here before anyone else. I can't WAIT until she's back.


Well-known member
Road Trip - who's on board to go visit/meet Ashley in San Diego. I haven't been in years but would love some company. PM me.


Well-known member
Aww, I'm sorry. That really sucks. I could understand if one person had something come up, but I'd be really hurt if no one showed up. Hopefully they'll mature up, I really hate flakey people.

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