i witnessed a robbery .


Well-known member
at MAC today , people have lost it.
these 2 male came in , looking like they're waiting for someone and they stole all the MSFs products that were on display / testers , one of them put it in a huge white bag, they went out and parted ways. and one of the mua was like "HEY DID YOU GUYS SEE THIS ?!" and the store is made of glass like so people outside can see you (even you're trying colors that make you look like a fool at times LOL ) so i saw him just walking like everything's all good , they left like one MSFN . the girls called security but old dude was long gone , if i was a die hard hadcore ride or die MAC fan , i think i would have had time to tackle him , he looked like in his 50s !! what a shame !


Well-known member
I wonder why he chose the product he did... that's really random to me. I guess they are high ticket items for their size with no real security devices to stop him out the door... but that's still weird... especially the display makeup.


Well-known member
wow... just wow! maybe somebody sent them to specificatly get msf products? a few years ago when i lived in a slightly scary naighbourhood people would knock on yoru door selling you goods they had robbed that day and would ask if you had any requests! items would range from legs of frozen meat to deodrants and perfumes. and larger items like laptops. mental.


Well-known member
I doubt the guy knew it was a tester. I always used to get display items stolen. One time at Lancome when I was at one end of the counter, this woman came and just pushed all the fragrance testers off the counter and into her purse thinking I didn't see her do it.

If it was someone more knowledgeable they might have tried to go into the drawers but in this case, I guarantee you they'll show up on ebay or a discount store.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
maybe he justed wanted a natural sunkissed glow.

but lol, that's crazy.



Well-known member
It just amazes me how crazy and bold people are getting. Desperate also to go in and steal a bunch of MSF's. Totally freaking nuts.