If you Could travel anywhere where would you go?


Well-known member
For graduation the Mother In Law offered to take us anywhere we wanted to go. His sister went to Hawaii for her graduation trip. I think that could be fun , but if thats where we go she will want to go too and um ... I don't want that lol ... So I started thinking maybe Greece ... any other ideas?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
For graduation the Mother In Law offered to take us anywhere we wanted to go. His sister went to Hawaii for her graduation trip. I think that could be fun , but if thats where we go she will want to go too and um ... I don't want that lol ... So I started thinking maybe Greece ... any other ideas?

This is a cool idea! My dad is taking me to Japan after I graduate Cosmetology school, I have been dying to go there since I was little.


Well-known member
Wow!! That is so sweet of her! Hmmm, that would be such a hard decision for me to make! lol Especially since I like more of the less frequented places.

My list would be:
~Buenos Aires


Well-known member
Wow what a nice gift! I would go to:


I have been to Spain and Greece before and they are both so nice. Let us know what you decide!


Well-known member
My husband and I really want to visit Italy, Greece, Germany, France, UK, and Ireland - pretty much catch all the areas our ancestors are from (except Greece). We're big history buffs, so getting to see all that ancient and old world history is just tops in our book. We'll probably get to go sometime within the next couple of years...before we have children.


Well-known member
Oohh that sounds fun!
I would love to see:
Amsterdam (my friend LOVED it!)


Well-known member
Well it really depends on what you're into. What I've wanted to do for the longest time is go on a wine tour of Europe.


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I'm a History Major, looking to get a masters in either the Classics ( Greece & Rome) or American History. I'm torn at the moment. I am currently taking a class on ancient Greece.( Thats Why I'm all about going to Greece). We've both been to England. So I wanted to go somewhere that neither of us has been... I thought we'd save Hawaii for just the two of us ;-)

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Lots of places in Scotland (Yay Campbells!)
Chicago (For Pumpkins sake)

India in general

Also, Austria never gets any love in polls like this which is such a shame because it's by far the prettiest place I've been. I like it a lot more than Germany. Note: I didn't want to offend with that comment. Just my opinion.


Well-known member
italy, greece, australia, japan, africa, india, or back to england again!!

I love travelling so much! Lucky lady


Well-known member
Well, I've been wanting to do Brazil for the past 2 years or so, and now my daughter is expressing an interest in going there, too, so off to Brazil we'll be going. I also wanna do a Far Eastern tour. Japan, China, and I want her to meet her grandmother in Korea.


Well-known member
Go to Russia, girl!

I would suggest Spain, its so cool there, Barcelona is gorgeous, Sevillia, Granada.. Also there are some awesome little seaside cities with hotels there - Torremolinos is super duper coolio!
Such a beautiful view there. Grecce is very cool aswell! I'm been there, loved it!


Well-known member
I am more interested in traveling to exotic islands. Hawaii, Jamaica, Bahamas, anywhere thats exotic and beachy...take me there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I am more interested in traveling to exotic islands. Hawaii, Jamaica, Bahamas, anywhere thats exotic and beachy...take me there

You and me on a beach with some fruity drinks!

I love the tropics, but today, if I could go anywhere, I'd travel home with my kids so they can see their other "home" - England.