I'm a proud mama... of a little bunny! Input please!


Well-known member
Hey everyone! I'm interested on your input. I've been looking to get a holland lop rabbit for some time now. I wanted to get one from the pound or from an owner surrender, just to feel better about adopting one that really needed a good home. So I've finally found one! His name is Cooper and he is three years old. He is litter trained, neutered, and has a good temperment. He doesn't chew on furniture but he nibbles on cords if you dont watch him.

I have looked after a rabbit but never owned one
I am so so excited, he is precious and im so happy to be giving him a good home!
Now my question is, for all of you that have had one of these cuties, how was the experience? In your estimation what are the pros and cons? This is an indoor rabbit as well.

Thanks all!




Active member
Let me start off by saying my opinion is most like very biased due to the fact that i am a huge Bunny/Animal lover! I think if you have the time to take care of a bunny you should !!!they are such enjoyable creatures.I had a bunny for about 4 years, and she was AMAZING I would take her everywhere she even walked on a leash it was so funny. I sadly lost her when she jumped too fast the wrong way that she paralyzed her back and had to be put to sleep
but i will soon own one again. All in all bunnies are a fun companion to have and i think everyone should own one =)
I hope everything works out for you,that little guy looks adorable

BTW I really appreciate the fact that your willing to adopt thats so awesome~!


Well-known member
I don't have much advise as I have never owned a bunny but I wanted to say that your bunny is very darling!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dust_bunny
Let me start off by saying my opinion is most like very biased due to the fact that i am a huge Bunny/Animal lover! I think if you have the time to take care of a bunny you should !!!they are such enjoyable creatures.I had a bunny for about 4 years, and she was AMAZING I would take her everywhere she even walked on a leash it was so funny. I sadly lost her when she jumped too fast the wrong way that she paralyzed her back and had to be put to sleep
but i will soon own one again. All in all bunnies are a fun companion to have and i think everyone should own one =)
I hope everything works out for you,that little guy looks adorable

BTW I really appreciate the fact that your willing to adopt thats so awesome~!

Awee I'm so sorry to hear about yours! I hope you get another one soon who brings you just as much joy! I decided a long time ago when I was researching them that I wanted to adopt one, I just know especially in my city theres such an over population of them, and I thought if I could give one a good home, Id be doing my little bit to help them out


Well-known member
Your bunny is sooooo cute!

I had a bunny for a while, but felt bad when I couldn't let him roam free as much (I had to monitor him or else he'd chew cords, claw at the carpet/furniture, and pee places where he shouldn't) because I got a second job + classes. I love him and miss him so much. Luckily, my bf's mom loves him too, so now she's taking care of him for me and I get to see him still.

Pros: CUTE CUTE CUTE! Loving, sweet companion, umm did I mention cute? Oh, his poop was good for my plants.
Cons: The aforementioned problems... oh and cost (but I've been penny pinching for a while, so I don't know if that's really a problem for others)


Well-known member
Here's a tip,

Rabbit & Red wine Stew.

  • 1 rabbit, about 3 pounds, cut up
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • 2 medium onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • dash pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 cups dry red wine
  • 2 cups diced carrots
  • 4 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 4 ounces sliced mushrooms, sauteed
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour

She looks so cute, I wish I could have a pet


Well-known member
Oh hes so cute.
I love rabbits, they make the best pets. I'm not sure what advice to give, um they can poop a lot thought at leasts its only little pellets. Though its good hes litter trained. As long as you give him some attention daily he should remain pretty tame.

I had a french lop and he was HUGE but so cute.


Well-known member
I have a bunny named Danger and adore him. Mine is also an adopted case! The worst parts for me are the poop EVERYWHERE (he's litter trained and only pees there, but he still likes to poo wherever he may be) and the fact that he's not fixed and is constantly humping my kitty. He's freaking adorable and, though he is an indoor bunny, I like to take him out in the yard via a harness and leash. Dandelions are tasty snacks, don't you know!


Well-known member
I agree, he's adorable. I've never had one-I'd love to have one but I don't think my dogs would appreciate it. He'd be dead meat
I think it is really awesome you adopted him. Does he mostly roam? Do you put them in cages to sleep at night?

Sorry, no tips...just questions


Well-known member
Oh my gosh - what an adorable rabbit! A couple of my really close friends have a house rabbit here & he is just great fun! He spends all of his time around the house outside of a cage, just like a cat or a dog
He is also not neutered, so he regularly humps his favorite toy, the soccer ball, into submission

Here, in my estimation, are some random Pro's and Con's of having a house rabbit which I have observed in my friends' case:

Con: You have to keep wires off the ground and out of the rabbits way, or else they get chewed to bits. Usually this is pretty easy to do, but on rare occasion after long day or a few too many beers, you can forget & end up with a de-corded phone charger.
Con: Even the best trained rabbit will still leave some poops about. Fortunately, a $30 dustbuster fixes this problem in about 10 seconds. Also, then you have a dustbuster which I have actually find to be about the handiest little piece of equipment in the world. Then again, I probably break more glasses and explode more bags of chips onto the floor than any 10 normal people
Pro: Rabbits generally need much less veterinarian care than dogs or cats, vets tend to charge less to see them, their diet of pellets, hay, and fresh veggies is pretty cheap, and their litter, bought in bulk, isn't very expensive either. All in all, they are an inexpensive pet to keep.
Pro: Only their urine smells (and even that isn't too strong), so as long as you regularly dump out the litter box, they are basically odorless.
Pro: They are cute and lovable, and all of your friends will think it is really cool that there is a rabbit running about your house.
Pro: You adopted so that makes you super-awesome IMO :-D

A quick tip: if you have any farms or farmer's markets nearby, you can ask them to sell or give you unwanted greens or what are called "seconds" - vegetables that are either banged-up, look funny, or are a little wilted. This is great because it is cheaper (or free) for you, and the greens go to good use instead of being tossed. You might be able to cut a deal with a local supermarket too if you don't have any farms about.

Anyways, I e-mailed my friends who have the rabbit with your entry so that they could both see your new cutie & maybe give some advice! I will post back here with what they have to say. Congratulations on your new pet - he looks just wonderful!


Well-known member
OMG...he's ADORABLE!! I have no experience with rabbits, but my aunt had one and he liked to chew on cords when they let him roam...so beware!


Cooper is adorable! Makes me want to get another bunny. I had a bonded pair that I rescued, but my new job took up so much time (and the 1+ hr drive didn't help) that I felt that they would be happier with my friend who has much more time. I still get to visit them though.

The best advice I can give you is to go to the House Rabbit Society webpage - House Rabbit Society Rabbit Care Guide

Everyone involved with this group is so knowledgeable and understanding and there's so much great information on the site.

Enjoy life with Cooper!


Well-known member
Oh Oh I just remembered, I'm not sure if you have rabbit diseases there like Myxomatosis and Calicivirus but you can get vaccinations for them. It's not an expensive vaccination.


Well-known member
What a gorgeous bunny! I used to have 2 bunnies but they weren't indoor rabbits, so I haven't got much advice there I'm afraid.


Well-known member
Ahh, he's adorable! I've had indoor bunnies all my life, so if you have many questions, I'd love to help.