I'm brand spankin new...

Mamma Mia Gia

New member
...and I'm looking for a little advice. I am applying @ Nordy's MAC counter. I've made it through my HR interview and met with the Asst. Mgr. of Cosmetics already. What I have left is my make up app...

So what can I expect to know how to do?? Is there a certain technique I should use?? I know they want me to go from a day look to a night look...but what specifics should I cover and what do I need to stay away from doing?? Are certain brushes important??

Honestly, and I've told Nordys this as well, I have no professional cosmetic experience. It is just something that I am very interested in especially for a career. I've just always had a natural nack for it and I've finally gotten the "you know what"s to go out there and apply.

So having no experience I dont know brush numbers, or maybe the "textbook" way to apply make up. Is it safe to just apply as I normally do??

A little help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks so much guys...or girls
