I'm Confused...Which Brush?


Okay, I am new to the Mac stuff and makeup in general but I bought Studio Fix and Studio Tech and I wanted to know which makeup brush to buy that would be great for both fix and tech.


Well-known member
187 is good for liquid and powder.I like the 168 for both as well. Except once you get them wet with foundation you would need a dry brush for powder if you are using both studio fix and tech


Well-known member
I think this should go under "Recommendations"

anyways.. I use 190 for Liquid Foundation.. very firm and I love it


Well-known member
I don't know if you're talking about Studio Fix Fluid or Powder so I'll just list both along with the brushes I use for them.

Studio Tech - 190 or 192
Studio Fix Powder - 187 or 182 for more coverage
Studio Fix Fluid - 187


Well-known member
#187 for creams or liquids (Studio Fix Fluid, Studio Tech, Full Coverage etc.)
#182 for powders (Studio Fix Powder, Blot powder etc.)


As someone else mentioned...you can't dip your brush into dry powders after using a wet foundation...so be sure you get more than one brush (if/when finances allow).