Im freaking out


Well-known member
OK this is weird. Im freaking out. I know everyone laugh but I think an owl got my cat.

I saw him last while going inside and left him out like I always do (he loves to play outside) and then about an hour later I heard a scream like bloody murder, it was nothig I had ever heard before and I know we have owls so im terrified the SOB owl got my kitty!

It was so loud, my neighbor came running out also and my dog was barking.

So now im waiting for daylight to go look around and im too upset to sleep


Well-known member
there's been a few nights were my cat has stayed out all night, and i've stayed up worrying; but he's always come home in the morning.

i know your case is a little different but i am sure that your little guy is alright, maybe just spoked and hiding out for the time being.

if you can't sleep, why not take a walk around outside and try to coax the little guy out?

maybe your cat kicked the owl's butt and the scream you heard was the owl...

=^ ^=
o o
= x =
(,,,) (,,,) <-----that was suppose to be a cat, but when i posted the tabs reset =^^=


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your bad night. I hope everything is OK. Just remember that cats can be pretty fiesty. They are good at defending themselves. Mine will make that same awful, blood-curdeling scream when he just sees another cat outside, so your kitty may have just had a tiff. I will cross my fingers for you and kitty. Let us know


Well-known member
I hope your cat is okay. I have two cats and I worry about them a lot! I'm too paranoid to let them outside. haha.


Well-known member
Got an update on my little buster!
He is home safe and sound! We found what made the horrible noise it was a rabbit

I had geared up to kick some owl butt (because you dont mess with my kitty, federally protected or not) and had all my supplies (Flashlight, water, cell, blankets in case I had to wrap up some of him to bury, gun) and I got outside and theres the cat lookin up at me like " Whatchya doin?"
I just started bawling! My little baby is home!! YAY!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
.....I had geared up to kick some owl butt (because you dont mess with my kitty, federally protected or not) and had all my supplies (Flashlight, water, cell, blankets in case I had to wrap up some of him to bury, gun) ......

Kitty is lucky to have you on his side! LOL! I am very glad to hear your cat is OK. Sorry about the rabbit though.


Well-known member
That is why I NEVER let my cats outside. I know they love to go out, buuuuuttt...they're too precious; and too much can happen to them. I had one cat get hit about six years ago when my mom said "I feel bad for Louie...I'm gonna start letting him out"...Never again. I have a huge acreage of woods up the hill from me, and the cyotes come out at night and walk down our street. My nieghbors' cat got taken by a cyote. In Nov. my husband let one of my cats out (I have four plus one foster cat) w/o even knowing it, and he was gone for TWO WEEKS!!!! This cat (Stubby..he's an American Bobtail) is my lover cat. He's my baby. I looked everywhere. Me, my sister, best friend, and husband looked all over. We put flyers up, etc. I thought he was gone. I cried all the time. I wouldn't "give it up" to hubby the whole time Stubby was gone
!! I was SO depressed. It felt like I lost a child (I don't have kids, but my animals are my kids). Finally, one a.m. as I was leaving for work, Stubby came out from underneath the deck moewing and running to me! He was skinny and sickly..but alive and ok. IMO, it's just too much of a risk nowadays letting the kitties outside. I'm glad you found your cat YOUBEABITCH...My heart literally sank this morning when I read your post. I'm very glad you found him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Got an update on my little buster!
He is home safe and sound! We found what made the horrible noise it was a rabbit

I had geared up to kick some owl butt (because you dont mess with my kitty, federally protected or not) and had all my supplies (Flashlight, water, cell, blankets in case I had to wrap up some of him to bury, gun) and I got outside and theres the cat lookin up at me like " Whatchya doin?"
I just started bawling! My little baby is home!! YAY!

i am sooooooo glad to read this. i was all teary-eyed this morning, holding my babies and praying yours would come home. they really do feel like children, don't they?

and i totally agree about the "you don't mess with my kitty"- I think I'd attack and kill ANYTHING that messed with my babies!

Don't let him out tonight!

Cool Kitten

Well-known member
i'm so glad your kitty is ok...It's not safe to let your cats outside, there's no benefit to them being exposed to other animals, deseases, crazy people, cars...
I have 4 cats and they've never set a paw outside, and they never will.


Well-known member
When I first started to read this post my heart sunk! But I am so glad that your kitty is home! I could feel your pain and I am so glad that it turned out okay!!! Give your kitty a big kiss from us!!