I'm glad I'm not flying this week! (New carry on guidlines for airplanes)


Well-known member
This is sad for people who were on flights.

I saw this morning, to get in, they have to throw in the garbage their perfumes!!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
This is sad for people who were on flights.

I saw this morning, to get in, they have to throw in the garbage their perfumes!!!


Heh, i'd refuse to board the plane if they made me throw out any of my liquid products... Perfume, Foundation, etc...

Or i'd be like, are you giving me a check for the full retail value? lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Heh, i'd refuse to board the plane if they made me throw out any of my liquid products... Perfume, Foundation, etc...

Or i'd be like, are you giving me a check for the full retail value? lol.

Seriously. I'd ask them as politley as possible to get my bag from baggage and let me pack it inside. Or hand me a check. Or I'm staying put.


NO carry on luggage at all!? I would die of boredom. And be angry that my things would either be taken or tossed.

I wouldnt be a happy camper. thats for sure.


Well-known member
Why would a traveller be angry that the gov't is doing what it deems necessary to protect the populace at large?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Why would a traveller be angry that the gov't is doing what it deems necessary to protect the populace at large?

Agreed.It may seem inconvienient at first. but when you think about it, .. like was said befofre " better safe than sorry"


Well-known member
I believe mostly people just had to move things to their suitcase which isn't all that bad if you ask me!

Regards entertanment... There's always the in-flight movie


Well-known member
Wow..and the passengers with children? What are they supposed to do? Board another flight I suppose..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I always sleep throughout my flights.

Me too... folded up jumper, bf's shoulder... that's all I need, oh and the window seat!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady_MAC
Wow..and the passengers with children? What are they supposed to do? Board another flight I suppose..

People boarding with babies were/are allowed to take on baby food and milk but they have to taste it in front of airline staff to prove it's not contaminated.


Well-known member
I cant ever sleep on a plane, I dont know if it's just being in such close prozimity to a stranger or being that high up in the air, it just wont happen. I've usually got a book, some starbucks (which is now not allowed I guess) and some headphones...

I just think some people wouldnt be too happy about throwing out their belongings (perfume...etc) I dont know, I cant imagine being happy about it really?

*smiles as throwing Chanel's Chance into a garbage can* ...

...I think not.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady_MAC
Wow..and the passengers with children? What are they supposed to do?

Yup, you can no longer have children in carryon baggage. You'll have to check them.

Seriously though, the security screening takes place before the shops near the gates. They may allow passengers to buy and board with items from these shops which have always been secure-side anyway (at least in the UK) and which don't sell items that are generally considered to be a security risk.


Well-known member
Generally, as far as I know, people at UK airports are being made aware of the restrictions before they check-in which means they can put anything prohibited in their checked luggage so they shouldn't be throwing anything out.


Well-known member
I just hate all the stupidity in the world today. Some people really need to get better hobbies than killing each other. I hear collecting MAC is fun!


Well-known member
im glad i decided not to go on hols this year i dnt have the patience to wait around. i was watching the news and i was getting angry just watching it lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Yup, you can no longer have children in carryon baggage. You'll have to check them.

HAHA FINALLY! No more Uncontrolable children with Moronic parents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
HAHA FINALLY! No more Uncontrolable children with Moronic parents.

OMG lol i wish some parents had checked their kids...

Reminds me of a flight out to Flordia to visit my grandparents one year. In the lobby area where you wair for the plane to board, there was a family with a baby, and a young boy prolly like 5-6 years old. The baby was crying non stop, and the kid you could tell was gonna be one of those, "Annoying kids" who kicks your chair, he was playing an obnoxious game that had nothing but piercing beeps.

So anyways I was joking with my Mom that knowing our luck, they would end up right behind us. Sure enough, when we got to our seats, they were sitting right behind us (since families with small children get to board before regular peeps). So yeh, it was one of THOSE flight, where the baby screamed nonstop for the entire flight. The mom even had to get up a few times and take the baby to where the flight attendants prepare meals and stuff. This kid never stopped, and it was like a 6 hour flight. The young boy wasn't that bad, but his video game really grated on my nerves. I was so thankful for the inflight movie, so i could crank up my headset to max.

On the flight over, i was commenting on the irony of getting seated next to them, and told my Mom that the way our luck is going, they would be net to us on our return flight too. They were lol, only they were across from us, instead of behind. And the baby was just as bad as before.

I hate flying LOL

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