I'm guessing this is normal to take this long? MAC


Well-known member
Well, I sent my resume in and talked to the manager at my local MAC counter. She told me it was impressive and set me up for a demo interview. I'm not going to say I knocked their SOCKS off at the demo, but I know I at least impressed the manager again because she told me I worked really well with my model's skin because she did have sunburn, yet I managed to give her a good coverage without making her look pastey. WHEW! Eyes were no problem and I definately did what everyone has said on her. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize and don't touch the customers face!

So I did well on the demo and everything. And then I had a sit-down with the manager. She told me right now they only have part-time positions open, and since I am REALLY looking for full-time (benefits needed) she told me she would talk to the freestanding store about 15 miles away to see if she could get me a interview there for a full-time position.

Well, I haven't got a call back yet, naturally, heh, and I'm thinking maybe I should just go for the part-time position right now and work my butt off, get noticed and work towards full time. And it's taking a bit too long to start up at the freestanding store, should I just go for the counter? I think it'd probably be a wiser decision...

Sigh. Helpers?


Well-known member
Full time positions are very few & far between & there is a ton of competition between people already in the company for those slots....Honestly, I wouldn't hold your breath for the full time position.

But by no means does this mean that you should give up. Keep following up & if it turns out that there is nothing in the next couple of weeks, I would go for the part time....better to have a part time job than no job, right?