i'm moving out in two months and


Well-known member
i hate to say it, but i'm a little stressed haha.

i'll be 18 on the 21st of june, and probably that day or later during that week, my boyfriend and i will be moving to huntington beach. i've wanted to live in hb forEVER...i have alot of friends in hb, now all the members of my boyfriend's band are in cypress/orange/anaheim and our manager is also there. but...no family. both of our families are pretty much all here (which is the inland empire, about 40 miles from where we'll be moving) we'll be in a studio apartment with the two of us and my youngest kitty.

so i want to hear your stories about moving out for the first time! any tips or advice is great too

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I was super stressed the first time I moved out. I moved from Ft. Laud to Jacksonville (about 6 hour drive!) and I had just turned 22. The night we drove up, my then bf made me take a zanax b/c I was freaking out! Needless to say, it all worked out (not with the bf
) and I'm now 26 and still haven't moved back to Ft. Laud! After the guy I moved out with initially and I broke up, I moved down to Tampa, got my own place and lived by myself for a year! I freakin' loved it! I always say if things with my current bf (we have been living together 1 yr.) don't work out, I'll never live with anyone again!! that's how much I loved living alone.

I wasn't broke either, and I just had a standard office job. If you are responsible with your money/budget then you'll do fine! I never asked my parents for money and never had to borrow any and that's been the best feeling in my eyes. I made it all on my own!

The first few months you move out, save the majority of your "spending" money. You need a few months to really see what all your bills are going to be and what kind of budget you should be on.

I don't have any of my family around either, but I've found that being far from them has made me closer to them and I appreciate them more. When I lived home, my Mom and I just banged heads big time! But since I've moved out our relationship is better then ever.

Good luck! You're gonna love it! If you need anything else, feel free to ask!!


Well-known member
WOOO Welcome to the OC! I am in Costa Mesa.

It was so long ago when I moved out I can not even remember it. I moved from my moms when I was 20 to my BF for 4 years, that didn't work so I moved home again. Then I moved out again with a new BF, had my son. A few years after that my son and I moved to Costa Mesa alone. The best move I ever made! Its been 6 years and we are fine!

Like Jennifer said the first few months will be an adjustment with the bills, but you will be fine! =]



Well-known member
I recently moved out to go to uni, which was a bit weird, finding yourself in a house with people you don't know (i couldn't get into uni owned accomodation so they just threw us in a house together). We had to sort out internet, water, electricity when we moved in, wasn't much fun i can tell you, and bugeting for things wasn't that great when you have no money to start with! I was really scared about leaving my family (i'm an only child and really close to my parents) but now i don't worry quite so much. I talk to my folks once a week on the phone and see them for a few days every 3 months or so. To be honest i don't really miss them or the rest of my family, i miss my cat more!

It will be easier for you as you kind have a support network what with your boyfriend and the people that you know there already! You just have to worry about bills and stuff but other than that, i'm sure you'll have a blast! It's so good to feel that independent: that you're living on your own means and in your own way, it can be quite a shock when you do visit home! I wish you loads of luck and hope that you have an excellent time in your new place!


Active member
awwwww i love huntington =)

i live in san diego now but i lived in HB my entire life up until a year ago. where exactly are you moving to?


Well-known member
i'm a bum still at home so no advice from me muahaha

but oo how exciting hb lol i have idealized that place in my head ever since i was 10


Well-known member
Thats awesome! I moved from New Zealand to Australia when I "moved outta home" haha. To be with my bf nonetheless when I had just turned 19... still here almost a year later and I have to say that it's the best move I've ever made! Best decision ever... (and yes I do get along with my mom whom I lived with...). Hope everything goes well for ya! Congrats... and it's much easier than ya think...


Well-known member
i moved out 2 years ago when i was 19. i moved in with 2 friends from high school and then a third one came along, it was hard at first getting used to living with people i was friends with, but partying was a lot easier.

then one of my roommates moved out, and killed himself and all our shit went down the drain.

i just moved again with a completely random person, and its working out great, so hopefully this will be good.

probably after this year or maybe another year ill go live all by myself, but its expensive, so i dont know yet.


Well-known member
I just moved out this september for school and I gotta say it's great. I moved in with 3 girls I didn't know & it worked out fine. The Moving itself is a bitch, but once you get everything unpacked it's great. I agree with everyone above me in saying save money when you first get there. I didn't (I moved from a smaller town to the big city) and I was screwed when bills came around. Not so much fun.


Well-known member
I left home when I was 19 and I never regretted it! I was around 5 hours away from the city I was raised up and it was a good decision. I didn't get money from my parents, I was working half time and studying at a university, I never had lots of money, but it was def. worth it. Is a unique expericence to make everything on your own. I was living with 3 other people, some of them changed through the years, then I was living with my former bf and when we broke I was living on my own. This was sooo cool, I really loved it!
Now I'm with my DH and I swear, if we ever ever split, I'll keep the place and live again on my on.


Well-known member
I've lived with complete strangers and it's great because you can tell them when you need space, and I even became very close with some of them, probably spent more time with them at home than with the one boyfriend I lived with.

I was shite-poor, but I loved living out of home, can do chores in your own time, no one to constantly insult and bug you...I'd still be living out of home if I didn't get so sick! Even if it means no more MAC, I'd move just like that! Mind you, one of my parents is fairly...difficult to live with, and that's being polite.

You should love it though, it's a blast!


Well-known member
I moved from Texas to Missouri to go to college at 16..turned 17 a few weeks later...500 miles from home. I'm very close to my parents (only child) so it was hard, but it was ok. Got my first apartment when I was 18 (stayed in the dorms until then), and that was actually harder- living on my own, being independent- that's when I missed them the most. But it's fun to find out the things you never thought you could do! It really is fun, and it really makes you evaluate what you want in life. Good luck!!! Enjoy it!!