I'm new to this whole MAC thing, need suggestions


Here's a pic so you guys can tell me what I absolutely must have. I do have a few things but I guess I need some guidance from more experienced people to get stuff that will work for me instead of things that look great in the pot & will look hideous on my face. BTW, I'm a NC400 in Hyper Real...TIA!


Well-known member
I'm not the best at making looks for others, but I can see you definitely wearing smolder with smokey eyes.


Well-known member
hi! I've seen you on MUA
You're so beautiful! Anyway.... lol!

I'm not that great at figuring out looks for other people either, but I'm with Endit on the smokey eyes! You need Blacktrack fluidliner for sure!


Well-known member
i second blacktrack fluidliner.... i think.. (and this is just my opinion, im not sure how you would feel about it) but a very basic eye.. and then a red lip... very classic hollywood look... very marilyn-esque.... but thats just my opinion...


New member
I second Shanneran. Also look into...

...Retrospeck, Arena, Bronze, Greensmoke, and Black Tied eyeshadows.

...Prism and Mocha blush

...Sophisto, Fresh Morrocan, and VGV lipstick
