I'm pretty crap at hair


New member
I've been creeping on here for a while, but I tend to keep my makeup more natural, so I never have anything cool to post.

I was hoping some of you lovely ladies could give me some tips with my hair. I've never been able to do anything with it, I'm just really bad at styling. I'm lucky enough that it looks decent when I just brush it in the morning, or pull it back into a half-do if I'm feeling a little more neat. So if you could show me some really good styles that I could do, that would be great. Any other tips would be lovely.


Also, I wash my hair at night and then let it air dry as I sleep.


Well-known member
Hm i was thinking, since you wash your hair at night and air dry it in your sleep you could try twisting it into a loose bun and let it down in the morning - it makes your hair all cool and wavy lol Dunno if that helps though, i'm kind of bad at hair too =S

Btw i love your username


Well-known member
^i agree with k.a.t! If you're not keen on using a blowdryer or spending a while using tools, putting your damp/wet hair into a bun and letting it dry as you sleep can be a great start at styling. You can do one bun or more depending on how wavy you want your hair.

Personally, I like a fair amount of wavy-ness so I'll separate my hair into 4 sections and put each one into a bun, 4 buns total. You should have beachy hair by morning

Also, there are a good amount of hair tuturials on youtube. I really like pursebuzz, and she also has a website
Welcome to Pursebuzz.com » Hair Demos

hth and keep trying, practice does make perfect!


Well-known member
You've got great hair. I'd kill for it! Like the other poster said I love Pursebuzz and there are a few helpful ones on Makeupgeek.com too. Also there are some cute ideas on youtube under the Ford Models one that I bet you would like


I love your bangs! Especially in the last picture.

How are they cut? And do you style it in any special way?
Sorry, I'm totally no help to your post!