I'm so bummed, but I feel bad for it...


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I both work, he works full time, I work part time and go to school part time. Since I work retail, I never get weekends off unless I request them far in advance, and he has weekends off. Actually, I don't have any days off because if I'm not working, I'm at school and vice versa. So I never have a day to just do nothing. So we try to hang out as much as possible which is getting harder and harder because he doesn't drive, and he lives kinda far away. I only usually see him on Tuesdays or Thursdays after work because he lives by my job, and on Friday afternoons/evenings which is my shortest school day.
He's picked up double shifts this week so I don't get to see him on Thursday so since Saturday he's promised we'd go out on Friday after he gets off of work. I guess he "forgot" about it, and agreed to go out with his friends Friday, which will be the only time I get to see him until probably the end of next week. But, he's going out with them on Saturday too. And could probably hang out with them all of the other days of the week, I have midterms and papers due next week, so I'm not gonna be able to see him because I'll be hitting the books like crazy. So I'm pretty bummed out and kinda disappointed (read: pissed) that he forgot whoever he promised first. On one hand, he forgot about me, so I get gipped. But on the other, maybe he forgot about having already promised his friend. If he cancels on them, he's gonna gripe about giving up his guys' night out for me, but if he doesn't hang out with me, I probably won't see him for another week or even longer. So either way it sucks and I'm not sure if I should feel bad for being upset. Like I'm selfish or something.


Well-known member
I hate it when schedules don't mesh.
I hope you guys get something worked out, or squeezed into yall's schedules. A quick surprise visit might be nice!


Active member
Dont feel bad, I live with my boyfriend and I feel like we never really see each other either. He gets up for work around 4 in the morning, to be at work by 5 and he gets home around 3 or 4. I usually dont get home until like 6 or 7 so hes got all these hours by himself, which has gotten him into to trouble before. So we have been through quite a bit but we have been together about a year and a half so I have faith that we will work through it. I know how it feels, just keep working at it if its what you want.!


Well-known member
well, we had the time to see each other, but i guess he somehow forgot that he made plans a week ago. so for the past few days he'd been saying we'd hang out tomorrow, and now we're not...but he's going out with the same friends on saturday. i guess i just dont get why he can't just see them on saturday and all of next week if he wanted to if the only time i'm gonna be able to see him for awhile is tomorrow. i dunno. it's frustrating.


Well-known member
No hon, my fiancee and I have not had alone time in about 3 weeks. And it makes me mad when i see other couples hand in hand doing grocery, and running errands together. But life is hard and ur not selfish at all. It's just that there's never time for urself. I guess... try to make time and stick to ur plans because when my fiancee leaves me hanging I get mad. And when I leave him hanging he gets upset too. But try to stick to plans and nobody will feel left out
I can totally relate to ur frustration...i feel like that too