i'm so upset!!


Well-known member
MMm.. wouldn't you qualify for the macpro discount? Since makeup artists get 40% off?


Well-known member
yea, but i'm at Gainesville right now, and apparently you have to apply at a MAC PRO store. The nearest one is in Jacksonville, and i have to have either a cosmetology degree or letter of reference....it's such pain....


Well-known member
That's so unfair! They could have at least given you the 40% discount for being a makeup artist. I mean, why include you if you can't partake in the fun? All I have to say is... Boooooo!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iamgrape1119
well, I just got a job as a MAC freelancer (yay), and we had a meeting for all the employees on sunday. We discussed Barbie collection and sales goal and blah blah blah, and the manager gave out gratis. The gratis are from the Barbie collection and i was like
, and when i was reaching for it, one of the girls were like:"oh, you don't get to have it because as a freelancer, you are not qualified for the benefits as such." THEN WHY THE HELL DO YOU DO IT IN FRONT OF ME?!!!! it's like they're eating a gourmet meal in front of an Etheopian kid. that's just not cool. and I DON'T EVEN GET THE FREAKING DISCOUNT. all of them get 60% off, and I DON'T EVEN GET A 40% DISCOUNT!! that's so annoying. I REFUSE TO BUY THE NEW COLLECTION BECAUSE I KNOW EVERYBODY ELSE GOT THE FOR FREE!! this makes me want to quit the job......sorry, just venting..

That's what being a freelance artist entails. Did you take the job to get free makeup and a discount or to work for MAC? I think it's important to look at the big picture here. That seems petty to want to quit because you don't get gratis.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iamgrape1119
yea, but i'm at Gainesville right now, and apparently you have to apply at a MAC PRO store. The nearest one is in Jacksonville, and i have to have either a cosmetology degree or letter of reference....it's such pain....

Strange, I could have sworn that the application gave either the option of dropping it off or mailing it in.


Well-known member
They won't let you use your freelance discount? That's odd. I picked up my stuff today and I couldn't use my discount either but that's just because my paperwork hasn't gone through.

I'm assuming yours has since your at staff meetings already. Gratis though are only for perm employees. I personally am not worried about the discount cuz I'd be buying it even if I didn't get the job! I just can't wait to become a perm and get my hands on those gratis n save money haha.

Don't let it get to you too bad, I'm sure it wasn't intended to be mean and in your face. They probably just didn't think about it.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your comfort! i guess i was just hurt/jealous because they were so close but yet i couldn't get them..........


Well-known member
I feel for ya! When I was doing a lot of freelancing at MAC, I was working 24 hours a week for a little while, and I didn't get gratis. It makes it hard, especially when you are supposed to wear the looks just like everyone else and you are working more hours than half the people there. It also sucks cause we would have some at my counter that would complain about the colors they got and so forth, and I wanted to say, "I have been working my A** off, and I will gladly take it off your hands if you want to complain about it." Although we love MAC and working there, it is hard for those of us who don't get gratis to see it handed out all the time and not get to partake. Its like christmas comes every few weeks to the counter, and we have no presents under the mac tree....


Well-known member
im so sorry thats such an awful thing to do, some people are so inconsiderate of other people's feelings and especially that snooty girl who told u off...im sorry

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by iamgrape1119
yea, but i'm at Gainesville right now, and apparently you have to apply at a MAC PRO store. The nearest one is in Jacksonville, and i have to have either a cosmetology degree or letter of reference....it's such pain....

where is the pro store in jacksonville?? im in jacksonville and never knew of one, so please tell me if there is one. also i just got my cosmetology license can i get a pro card??


Well-known member
I could be way off here, but don't freelancers make more than the average MAC sales person? If so I'd understand the discrepency, otherwise I think it's a little rude to exclude you, especially when you're in the room :p


Active member
I think it depends on the manager and the circumstances. At my counter, when the freelancer joined, we gave her a lot of MAC gratis, just so she'd have something to start with. I don't think we updated it with every collection, but then again, she didn't work that long. I think freelancers don't get it b/c they are not regularly at the counter. I still think it sucks they did it in front of you. The manager should have thought about that before she gave it out. I would have been hurt too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
where is the pro store in jacksonville?? im in jacksonville and never knew of one, so please tell me if there is one. also i just got my cosmetology license can i get a pro card??

Yes you can...you get 30% off as a cosmetologist....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vixen
MMm.. wouldn't you qualify for the macpro discount? Since makeup artists get 40% off?

On top of being a freelancer, she needs to have documentation that she's a professional makeup artist as well (whatever documents the application required)...being a MAC freelancer is not enough to qualify for the PRO card (at least in my neck of the woods)...:confused:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VeronikaJ
That's what being a freelance artist entails. Did you take the job to get free makeup and a discount or to work for MAC? I think it's important to look at the big picture here. That seems petty to want to quit because you don't get gratis.

I don't think it's petty, it's poor treatment of employees when you have a 2-class system like that. Especially if there are required to wear certain makeup to help sales, it seems unfair to not give at least a discount.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I don't think it's petty, it's poor treatment of employees when you have a 2-class system like that. Especially if there are required to wear certain makeup to help sales, it seems unfair to not give at least a discount.

Yes I understand that, however as a freelance artist you are typically not working nearly as many hours as the permanent staff and if MAC was to hand out gratis to all employees (perm and freelance) then they would be losing huge amounts of profit by just giving all that makeup away. Gratis is supplied to the permanent employees so that the hours that they spend at work they can be wearing the current launch (so it's easier to sell). For example, if a freelance artist only works 6 hrs a week... it doesn't take that much effort to go to work 15 minutes early and throw on the newest eyeshadows. But if a permanent artist who works 3-5 days a week had to do that then that wouldn't be fair. Anyway, she should have been told when hired that the benefits of freelancers vary from those of permanent staff. AND they pay freelance artists quite a bit more hourly for the work they do for events. I think thats enough compensation for not getting gratis.

p.s. I do agree, however, that the manager should have handed the gratis out at a different time.