I'm turning DUTCH in 2 days!!!


Well-known member
Ok.. not really.. I'm already Dutch, but thats beside the point. I'm moving to Holland! (Holland, Michigan) for my job.. I hate moving! I hate cleaning, i hate packing! lol since I left home I have moved every single year. thats 6 different addresses in 6 years!!! I cant figure out where I am anymore...

alright, back to boxes, and tape, and laundry, and well.. you know how moving goes...


Well-known member
Aw, good luck Mel. Be sure to send me your new addy
Just when I had your old one memorised too.

Professor Fate

Well-known member
moving sucks ,but at least you actually get four seasons.i have been wanting to move out of the constant summer that is texas forever.


Well-known member
Four seasons isn't always the greatest, you know... you get the worst of everything :p it gets below zero here in winter- and around 90 with 100000000000% humidity in the summer. I do have to say that when I move outta MI, I'll miss the autumn... I love the fall.. its my favorite, cool crisp days, blue skies, leaves changing colors.. it sgreat. I do make a mean snowangel in winter though, I must admit.

I can't complain, I've lived in MI my whole life, I love it here, but for what I do for a living, I'll have to move eventually to a big city- Ive chosen Vegas
Thats in a year or so, tho


Well-known member
sorry, didnt mean to make you nostalgic :p anyway- off I go, back to packing. I'm never going to get this done.