in mac


Well-known member
i dont think this is in the right forum but

i walked past mac the other day and stopped for a sec and looked up to see a girl at the avant gold standy thing with a 187 off the stand and a heap of make up (e.g shadow) looking in the mirror next to the foundations freely applying make up, i was shocked so looked then she put everything down and walked off with her newly made up face
had to share thought it was very odd lol


Well-known member
lol hahahaha thats why i think twice before using testers unless a ma cleans it infront of me


Well-known member
you would be so surpised at how many people do that. THere's an older woman who comes in all the time (looks like she's around 50.. but she's been spending too much time in the sun so she looks 70) and just grabs LIPSTICKS! and Eyeliners and rubs them all over her face. I always walk up to people who do that and I'm like, "can I help you with anything? if you'd like to try anything on let us know so we can disinfect it for you..."
but it's crazy because some people still don't care and they just wanna put it on and walk away.
let's be thankful that we all know better


Well-known member
eeew i pick stuff up to LOOK at it and i feel like imma get in trouble lol... but ive always asked when i wanted to try something on... and i always end up buying what i tried.. hehehehe.


Well-known member
Thats gross...

When Im picking out shadows I grab one of the Q tips they have nearby (not sure if thats allowed or not but I try to be sanitary) and I swipe the color on my hand or wrist, I never actually touch the product...


Well-known member
Yeah, the MAs are great about giving you testers. They even have little brushes for the lipglasses/plushglasses, I love it!


Well-known member
ew. thats gross.

im VERY close with all the MA's at my mac, and they let me stand behind the counter and fill out face charts and basically let me do whatever i want
and i was standing there behind the counter the other day cleaning a brush, and some girl had been running around putting on WAY too much blush, bright lipstick..blahblah it was gross. then she came over near me while i was standing behind the counter, and i bet she thought i worked there, she looked so imitated and scared i was going to say something to her! (the only MA working was way on the other side doing something with the foundations.) the only thing i would have said was "here's a wipe, please take that blush off"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
"here's a wipe, please take that blush off"

Yeah, i have to say i have this almost OCD obsession with what people touch, so its hard for me to try something without getting it cleaned first.


Well-known member
Uhghhh, this happened to me for the first time last week. I was picking out fluidlines and pigments, but there were these two girls standing in front of all the eyeshadows doing each other's makeup. There was only one MA there at the time and she was quite busy with other customers so I guess she didn't see them. But when the MA finally came over and asked if the two girls needed help, they were just like, "no... we're okay."

I felt so bad for the MA... here are two girls messing around the displays and sticking their fingers in testers and using them on each other and the MA can't do anything about it. It was obvious that the girls pretty much weren't going to buy anything either... it was gross.


Well-known member
eww thats nasty .. yea i feel sorta uncomfortable when i have to get color tests because sometimes you just dont know whos touched it and where it was on their face /= gross !!


Well-known member
I only ever test things on my hands. I can tell from that if it is my shade or not.
I have no doubt that peoples greasy hands have been all over the testers.