Informal interview/Friendly chat


Well-known member
I've been invited to a friendly chat/informal interview at the university of Manchester.

I'm stuck!

What should I wear and what should my make-up look like?
I don't want to look over the top, so I'm hoping you lovely ladies of Specktra could help me out.

I just know that the guys who attend will not be wearing suits.


Well-known member
Decided on clothes:

Black long sleeved top under a green paisley print dress.
Black tights and black court shoes.
Hair up with a green hair band.

Just need help with make-up please.

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
The outfit sounds really cute!

I'd keep it simple. Flawless skin, a pinkish or peachy blush, black eyeliner and mascara. If you're wanting to go for eyeshadow, I'd stick to neutrals. My favorite MAC combo is Wedge on the lid, Satin Taupe in the crease, and Dazzlelight or Your Ladyship pigment to highlight. With this I like to use either Blooming or Hipness blush, and a neutral lip.


Well-known member
I think you should go for a natural eye make up or just eyeline and mascara. Peach blusher. Good Luck!

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