

Hi all!

This is my first proper post at Spektra, so go easy on me!

I thought it would be interesting to find out where everyone gets their inspiration for make up looks from... Films, celebrities, photographers, eras etc I'd start it off but I'm a bit unispired at the moment!

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!



Well-known member
welcome to specktra lola rose!!! for me, i get ispriration from many things.. it could be a from a look i saw on a celebrity, a pretty picture, an outfit, the hot girls and boys of specktra or from nature! there are some really cool looking insects with pretty colors so whatever catches my eye, i'll go home and try to recreate it...


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra!

What really inspires me is how I feel. You can always tell how I feel that day with what my eye color is. Also I like thinking of favorite things of mine and I try to recreate the little mermaid's which is like lipstick? haha but no..I love just sitting up at night and just thinking of diffrent color combos to use..ohh and also are very fun recreate because they all have diffrent colors :)


Well-known member
nature inspires me.
It seems to have no bounds with colors so anything I see in nature I copy!


Well-known member
I can pull inspiration from everything - really! But most of all, music. I can easily think of music videos for songs and colors just pop into my head when I hear certain things. Remixes and bootlegs especially. Art and fashion inspire me too, since I like to imitate color schemes and such. And sometimes even seeing something just cool can get me going - that's why I love MAC postcards.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Endit
I can pull inspiration from everything - really! But most of all, music. I can easily think of music videos for songs and colors just pop into my head when I hear certain things. Remixes and bootlegs especially. Art and fashion inspire me too, since I like to imitate color schemes and such. And sometimes even seeing something just cool can get me going - that's why I love MAC postcards.

ditto theMAC postcards and color stories!!


Well-known member
This might be a weird question... But does anyone else not get inspiration from anything at all? I don't try to copy looks, I don't see colours that make me want to try things. I sit down and start putting makeup on, and I get ideas about what to use along the way. If I feel like red lipcolour, then I will, or a mainly blue eye, then I do it. I've never gotten inspiration from anything other than the colours of the makeup directly in front of me. And then if I think of a colour that I could have used I'll buy it.


Well-known member
a lot of my inspiration comes from color stories, and even more than that from here...The fotds are amazing and always inspiring to me...more than anything else.


Well-known member
I'm mostly like you, NutMeg. I don't really get any inspiration. I just pick some color and put it on. If I don't like the combination I either layer it with another color or wipe it all of and try again.
I try to remember combinations I liked when I see them in everyday life but I always seem to forget these.


Well-known member
whatever i'm wearing, i want my makeup to resemble that line of color.
i also think about fotd's that i've seen.


Well-known member
nutmeg, i am the same way..i do think of crazy things to try out but it would be nothing i could actually wear out..I just do what i feel like doing that day and pick up a color and try that


Well-known member
For me I'll just decide in my head one colour I'll want to wear.. and then I just build the other colours around it (plus I don't have that many colours to begin with.. so it isn't that hard)


Well-known member
count me in on just picking what color appeals to me at the time of makeup application. usually i pick out my clothes and then decide what colors will look good. if im in the mood to do something colorful that morning, then i usually opt for black clothing.


Well-known member
Sometimes I go by what I am wearing that day but often it is my mood or which facet of my personality I want to express. You can wear just a plain t-shirt and jeans and let your makeup define your entire look. You can be girly, vampy, funky, etc depending on how you do your makeup and that is why it is so much fun.


New member
This such a great thread!

I get my inspiration from anything! Other people,nature, just colors ingeneral!

i think nature is best inspiration but of course I really enjoy getting ideas from other peoples makeup looks.


Well-known member
You're right 'Nessa. This is a great thread. I am inspired by several things. My mood plays a big part. How I want to look, how I want to be seen. People insipe me, actually when I look through the FOTDs I get inspired all the time. I also look at my favorite celebs.


Well-known member
Like Nutmeg, I kinda look at my makeup in the morning and whatever colours happen to appeal to me at that time...that's what I'll start putting on my face. It's really helpful that most of the time at work we have to wear certain looks or colours or have "theme" days, so that narrows it down for me!