Interesting book on skin types and skin care


Well-known member
I saw this at the bookstore, and thought it was relevant to this forum. I didn't have time to read the entire thing, but from what I have read so far, it looks like a good book, very informative and accessible. I have it on reserve at my local library.

The title of the book is:

The Skin Type Solution: A Revolutionary Guide to Your Best Skin Ever

Google it for more information and where to purchase.


Well-known member
I LOVE THIS BOOK! I am ORWN!!! What are you ladies?

I have read it cover to cover twice.

The author name is Dr. Leslie Baumnann. She rocks. She is my dermatololical hero!

It's kinda funny, I was pretty much doing the exact regiment she prescribed for my skin. I get compliments on my glowing skin all the time too. (My secret is antioxident syrums, sunscreen and nighttime retinol)

I lent it to a friend to read, and she has been haveing great results in tweaking her skin routine.