Interview on Thursday.


Well-known member
I've finally got myself an interview for Selfridges on the cosmetics department and I'm so nervous.
I can't stop worrying that I won't get the job.
I want this so bad because I hate my current job and my manager as made it quite clear she no longer want's me there.
Also what should I wear I've been told the dresscode is smart/casual so I was thinking black trowsers and a sweater but I'm also not sure what make-up to wear and what to do with my hair.
Please help me.


Well-known member
I would say that your outfit is great. I would go for simplicity - a simple eye (ala Inventive eyes quad) and a little color on the lips. Skim the face with a MSF if you have it for a little glow. Hair either straight down or clipped up with a pretty accessory.


Well-known member
agreed, simple makeup is the best- go for a natural look like a light brown smoky eye, light purples....., make sure that your face looks clean and "young" looking....., wear an elegant and sophistacated looking necklace and earings perhaps.....
all the best for the interview
Let us all know how it goes