
Miss uppity

Well-known member
Hey all. I have my very first interview tomorrow! It's just for the christmas period while i have time off college. It's for a clothes shop called River Island. I'm really exctied and nervous. So....have you any good little tips or pieces of advice you can offer me??!



Well-known member
woo go you
tel us how it goes!.. where i live [and all the other RI's ive been to] all the girls seem the snobby type if u get me. i asked for an application form and this girl was like 'have u had retail experience?' n i sed 'no not really?' n she gave me the dirtiest look ever then my boyfriend took it back down for me once i filled it out and she put it STRAIGHT in the bin :| i wasnt bothered like because after she gave me that dirty look i realised i wudnt wana work with some stuck up bitches.
its probably different where you live though but all the river islands ive been to they all seem the same. good luck anyway

ohh and its your first interview? my first interview is tomorrow and im just gonna act relaxed as possible! make sure you smile alot, which will make you look friendly and happy. dont fidget! they will know you are nervous. and talk slowly.. you dont wana stutter or anything.

what are you wearing for your interview? x


Well-known member
ohh and this girl i used to know worked there and she was ALWAYS put on changing rooms you know like checking to see how many items people had... she was so bored and she was pissed off that they put her on changing rooms everyday.. so if you do get the job speak up! tell them you want to have a lil change once in a while because it isnt fair.
also they love it if you wear river island clothes ... like jeans, their jewelry, accessories etc. make sure you have a nice 'fashionable' look too! no messy hair etc. you know the rest lol x and once again good luck! i have an interview also tomorrow but its for NEXT

Miss uppity

Well-known member
I live in ireland so it's one of their shops in Dublin! I'm surprised cause i've always found the girls in there really's a pity they treated you like that, but some girls are just like that i suppose!

I'm wearing a white blouse, half buttoned with a white vest underneath, and grey trousers and black boots! I was going to wear black skinny jeans tucked into my boots but my mam said it wouldn't be smart enough looking! ha. Thanks for the tips!
I jusy hope my nervousness doesn't get to me too much! What you going to wear to yours? Best of luck with it anyway..i love next! We get all our homeware stuff in there



Well-known member
best bit of advice i can give after being on about 5 shop interviews in my life is LEARN ABOUT THE COMPANY
checked and river island have a 'about us' section check that out..
some interviews ive been to have basically just been a friendly chat (got that job)
and others have been a proper Q+A (got that job too)
also look at the careers section and use their points to describe yourself soo for example the 'who we want' section learn that and use that to describe you..

I am obviously very interested in fashion and feel your company is one of the leading high street brands in providing the customer with the latest fashions available. I am enthsiastic about any challenge handed to me and enjoy working towards targets. Customers are of the upmost importance to me and feel I am approchable and can help with any problem given.

etc etc you get the idea

Miss uppity

Well-known member
I got the job!
So happy! Don't know much about it yet, being inducted on wednesday so will find it all out then!!


Well-known member
Good luck!!

Don't forget to smile smile smile because when you smile it makes you happier and other people will become cheerful from you smiling (who could look at a smile and be unhappy??) so even if you get super nervous SMILE

Miss uppity

Well-known member
Well congrats to you too! I start tomorrow at 3! Said she'd put me in footwear and see how i get on. Can't wait