iPod Touch


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What do you guys think?




Well-known member
300 bucks for something half the size of my video 30g? Nah.
Neat interface but it definitely doesn't compel me to buy it.


Well-known member

*Sigh* I was thinking the same thing. 8GB for $300!! I don't know about that.


Well-known member
Right! It's an awesome interface, I just can't bring myself to spend the $$.
Now, if they really revolutionized and brought something to the table to compare to the 30g video or the 30g video zune, I may consider upgrading, but until then...What a neat though functionally useless gadget!

Randy Rose

Well-known member
Well, mostly you're paying for the huge screen and web browsing capabilities. And I have lots of friends with iPhones who have had no finger print problems.

That said, I'm not getting it. I'm going to get an iPhone, and a 160 GB (!) regular iPod and have the best of both worlds.


Well-known member
looks like the iphone...whats the point? are the geeks at apple just bored and creating shit just to create it?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I would consider buying it if I thought I'd use the web browsing feature. As for why I believe they created it:

-A lot of people don't like AT&T (that's me but I've considered switching of late because of the iPhone)
-Some people are locked into contracts with other companies so even if they don't have a preference among services, they can't buy into it
-Some people still use a PDA system separate from their phone (I do)
-They're trying to compete with other products similar to it. There are still a handful of PDAs out there that have everything but the phone.

I was hoping the price would be more on par with the Nano, but it's actually no more expensive than what Palm prices the TX. I believe Sony might offer something similar for the same price


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
i dont like it plus, all the fingerprints would drive me nuts!

haha...same here!


Well-known member
i want it. but i do have a 30g video. but i read in the newspaper that they are coming out with a 8g iphone. its supposed to be $399. dont know if its true or not but if it is i want it!


Well-known member
i think the ipod touch is pretty! and would be nice to have.

the iphone also isn't released over here yet, so i predict that the ipod touch will be flying off the shelves... because it's the closest thing we'll have to an iphone!

i won't be getting one at the moment though. i have my faithful old ipod mini, and i think it's about time i'll be upgrading to a nano, now that the nanos have video capability.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
it's pointless. why have video, pics, music, web browsing features when it's a measley 16gb. if people were serious about buying this, wait til it gets bigger.

I love my 80gb video <3


Well-known member
I am sooo disgusted with APPLE right now
Reason: I love Apple products. I am there walking advertisment. And to me they insulted me there fave customer with the 8gb & 16gb Itouch mess (eventhough I love the concept). I have over 18k songs in my itunes library and my 60gb iphoto ipod ( that just died a month agoa) can't fit them all so, I was just hoping that the itouch would at least be 80gb. Being the ipod geek that I am though I have decided to get the 160gb and hold off on my dreams of having a full screen display and wi-fi connection. I know it's coming so I'll just have to wait


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gabi1129
i want it. but i do have a 30g video. but i read in the newspaper that they are coming out with a 8g iphone. its supposed to be $399. dont know if its true or not but if it is i want it!

yup it's true they lowered the price 200 bux so the people who bought them for 600 got screwed. unless they bought it within 2 weeks so they can get the price adjusted. well, apple's trying to make it up to them by giving them $100 gift certs to apple stores. but that's just making them spend more on apple stuff....?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by slvrlips
I am sooo disgusted with APPLE right now
Reason: I love Apple products. I am there walking advertisment. And to me they insulted me there fave customer with the 8gb & 16gb Itouch mess (eventhough I love the concept). I have over 18k songs in my itunes library and my 60gb iphoto ipod ( that just died a month agoa) can't fit them all so, I was just hoping that the itouch would at least be 80gb. Being the ipod geek that I am though I have decided to get the 160gb and hold off on my dreams of having a full screen display and wi-fi connection. I know it's coming so I'll just have to wait

Yeah. Anyone who has bought an Apple product, ESPECIALLY the iPod, should know better than to go out and buy this. Apple is notorious for waiting 6 months or a year, sometimes not even that long, and releasing a better version with more features at a lower cost. It's the reason why I kind of feel bad for the people who bought the iPhone but yet I feel like they are suckers because you should haven known that Apple iwas going to come out with a better one very soon.

Having said all that, when I get the money I am thinking about getting the new Nano but I don't know. I don't want to make a big investment because I will eventually buy the iPod Touch. At the same time I can't justify $150 for 4GB when I get get the 80GB Classic for $100 more.


Well-known member
My Creative Zen: M is thirty gigs and cost less than half of that (and it plays movies, video, and radio <which iPods don't>).

I'm not a fan of Apple products, so this doesn't seem that appealing to me.