iPod Touch


Well-known member
much like the iphone...i don't really see why one needs all that kind of stuff on a handheld. i mean, it's a nice interface and that's great humans are able to make something like that but really...who needs it?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
much like the iphone...i don't really see why one needs all that kind of stuff on a handheld. i mean, it's a nice interface and that's great humans are able to make something like that but really...who needs it?

Same people who buy Blackberries and the Palm Treos. In all honesty, you don't need it, but I can see how, in a city, the internet features would be very useful. God knows I get lost enough that having Google map at my finger tips would be perfect. I've also been traveling enough with friends that sometimes finding a restaurant or coffee shop can be a pain.


Well-known member
IT HAS WIFI! I already have an ipod, but that feature alone... I have to have it! But yes, I will wait, because Apple does always come out with new generation stuff.

Randy Rose

Well-known member
Originally Posted by purplkaret
yup it's true they lowered the price 200 bux so the people who bought them for 600 got screwed. unless they bought it within 2 weeks so they can get the price adjusted. well, apple's trying to make it up to them by giving them $100 gift certs to apple stores. but that's just making them spend more on apple stuff....?

The people who bought it for $600 did not get "screwed." Nobody held a gun to there heads and forced them to buy the iPhone. They made a free choice to purchase the device, because they believed that it was a worthwhile purchase. They had six months from the time it was announced until it came out to make that decision. And they paid a premium to be the first kids on the block to get one. Anybody who didn't think that the price would eventually go down is an idiot. ALL electronics, especially cell phones, go down in price when they come out. Hell, my brother paid SEVEN HUNDRED dollars for his freaking RAZR to get it right away. I got mine for free, but I got it a couple years later. I paid $399 for a 5 gig original iPod, and soon I'll pay $349 for a 160 gig iPod. I didn't get "screwed." I bought what I wanted, what was available, with the money I had. So did the iPhone folks. End of story. Apple owes them nothing, and is going above and beyond offering the $100 credit.

Randy Rose

Well-known member
Originally Posted by slvrlips
I am sooo disgusted with APPLE right now
Reason: I love Apple products. I am there walking advertisment. And to me they insulted me there fave customer with the 8gb & 16gb Itouch mess (eventhough I love the concept). I have over 18k songs in my itunes library and my 60gb iphoto ipod ( that just died a month agoa) can't fit them all so, I was just hoping that the itouch would at least be 80gb. Being the ipod geek that I am though I have decided to get the 160gb and hold off on my dreams of having a full screen display and wi-fi connection. I know it's coming so I'll just have to wait

Good luck fitting an 80 gig hard drive inside an 8mm enclosure, along with a 3.5 inch touch screen and all the stuff necessary for wireless/etc. The iPod touch doesn't have a hard drive, it has flash memory, which is a hell of a lot more expensive than disks (the trade-off is it is a lot smaller, so you can use it in smaller devices like the Touch or the Nano). If they had included a hard drive, the thing would be huge, and if they had put your magical 80 gigs of flash memory, it would cost a couple grand. Neither of which is a great option.


Well-known member
I dunno my 80gig ipod isnt that thick, well yea slightly thicker than my 30gig. but only barely. it could have been done. they only would have had to make it slightly thicker, and no one would have cared.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Randy Rose
Good luck fitting an 80 gig hard drive inside an 8mm enclosure, along with a 3.5 inch touch screen and all the stuff necessary for wireless/etc. The iPod touch doesn't have a hard drive, it has flash memory, which is a hell of a lot more expensive than disks (the trade-off is it is a lot smaller, so you can use it in smaller devices like the Touch or the Nano). If they had included a hard drive, the thing would be huge, and if they had put your magical 80 gigs of flash memory, it would cost a couple grand. Neither of which is a great option.

some very good points there

also remember that the iPod touch does, to an extent, cross over with the iPhone. they may be testing the market with the 8GB and 16GB ones to see if it's worth pursuing this sort of thing.

flash memory is falling in price though... as flash becomes cheaper we'll see the touch grow. just like with the nano - it's now at 4gb and 8gb instead of 2gb and 4gb.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
300 bucks for something half the size of my video 30g? Nah.
Neat interface but it definitely doesn't compel me to buy it.

its actually $399

Randy Rose

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I dunno my 80gig ipod isnt that thick, well yea slightly thicker than my 30gig. but only barely. it could have been done. they only would have had to make it slightly thicker, and no one would have cared.

Your 80 gig iPod has a 2.5 inch non-touch screen, no wireless capabilities, an a much weaker, smaller processing system. The Touch is essentially a small computer, it runs OSX, and it has a lot of bells and whistles that aren't on the regular iPod.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
its actually $399

That extra 99 bucks isn't endearing me to the idea of opening my wallet.

Originally Posted by Randy Rose
Your 80 gig iPod has a 2.5 inch non-touch screen, no wireless capabilities, an a much weaker, smaller processing system. The Touch is essentially a small computer, it runs OSX, and it has a lot of bells and whistles that aren't on the regular iPod.

Bells and whistles that generally speaking, sound neat but unless you're in an area that will provide the wifi or edge access, won't do you any good.

Samsung's Blackjack, Blackberry's Pearl, and Palm's Treo all provide a fairly easy to use phone, all have an MP3 player, and are substantially less expensive than the iTouch/iPhone.

the OS is fantastic, and the interface is cool, but it's not worth the massive amount of extra $$$ fantastic and cool.

Apple fans are Apple fans 4 lyfe (wut!), and that's great and all, but while I'm looking at the bells and whistles on the iTouch/iPhone, I'm calculating the expenditure in my mind saying "It's not worth it."

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think the iTouch and iPhone have a specific user in mind, as do most higher end electronics. I think the iPhone is pointless for some people, but I also think other electronics are as well.

For me, I'd never buy the iPhone/iTouch for the mp3 capabilities. I like my current iPod, because it does what it's supposed to do: play music, play videos, and has decent battery life.

Randy Rose

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Samsung's Blackjack, Blackberry's Pearl, and Palm's Treo all provide a fairly easy to use phone, all have an MP3 player, and are substantially less expensive than the iTouch/iPhone.

They also don't have the same hardware (those screens aren't cheap) or eight - sixteen gigabytes of memory. Plus, those phones don't *retail* for substantially less than the iPhone, the providers just offer substantial discounts in order to get people to sign contracts.

the OS is fantastic, and the interface is cool, but it's not worth the massive amount of extra $$$ fantastic and cool . . . but while I'm looking at the bells and whistles on the iTouch/iPhone, I'm calculating the expenditure in my mind saying "It's not worth it."

That's a legitimate opinion. Value is a personal decision. Lots of people think I'm nuts for spending hundreds on makeup. I just get annoyed when people who don't understand the technology behind products make sweeping statements based on nothing but what they have decided a device should be, which is often an impossible dream, given current technologies and the costs associated therewith.


Well-known member
I LOVE my Treo 755p and iPod 30Gig, but I cross my fingers with every sync on each one. I don't see the point of mashing all of this stuff up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I like my current iPod, because it does what it's supposed to do: play music, play videos, and has decent battery life.

which is precisely why i LOVE my 80gb video ipod :thumbsup:

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I have a 4gb iPod mini as well and my 80gb iPod is although taller, it's slimmer than the mini in my opinion.

I just think that, what's the big deal about touch screen gadgets, it'll mess up sooner or later, and excessive cleaning of it too. Waste of Money

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's why you do what I do and buy months later or better yet, buy refurb. You know your stuff has been tested, it's cheaper, and your immediate kinks are worked out.

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