iris print


Well-known member
I got iris print the other day because I thought it was soooo pretty..

so, i'm going to wear it out this weekend..what do you guys like to pair it with..the ma at my counter said it'd look good with bitter..but i'd like to know what you guys like with it too.



Well-known member
I wear it with pink opal pigment on the lid and iris print and trax in the crease. I have overgrown which is like bitter, but I don't care for them together. On my skin tone, and with the overgrown, the iris print kind of looks brown. Be sure to post pictures!!


Well-known member
i use it with dazzlelight and stars n rockets. dazzlelight on the browbone, star n rockets in crease...then iris print on the inner and outter third...and i fill in the middle with dazzlelight and blend blend blend.

also, i had a problem bringing out iris print's color on my skin i put purple haze underneath (or nocturnelle) and pack iris print on top.


Well-known member
I wore tilt on my lids, botanical in inner v, iris print in crease with bagatelle to highlite. It looked very good together!

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