Irrational fears...what are yours?


Well-known member
I am afraid of public washrooms... I'll do anything to avoid them..sometimes to the point where I almost pee myself. I dry heave when I have to use one.

I am afraid that the commuter train I take every day will fall off this huge bridge it goes over due to no one checking the bridge to make sure it is sound - and I bet you they don't.
I am also afraid the train will run out of fuel and we'll all have to stay in the cramped train for hours and they won't let us out to walk the rest of the way home.
I absolutely hate going to the bank at night alone.. there are shadows everywhere!! and I don't have any money to steal-- so they'll really be mad!
I hate bridges over water, pidgeons and seagulls.. robins and some other small birds are okay.
i don't like snakes..

Theres a lot more I just can't think of it now.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I have way too many, but my top three:

1. stairs: I cannot go down the stairs. I can go up but not down
I always feel like I'm gonna fall and smack my head against the floor

2. needles: not only I'm scared of them and don't want them near me. I can't even watch doctor shows (like Gray's Anatomy) where they inject ppl with needles.
3. Pretty much all insects, they're creepy!


Well-known member
I'm not scared of many things, but more of situations

Like when I sleep (now that I live with my man it's better), I'm afraid to wake-up and see a shaddow in the corner of the room...

Or when I go wilderness camping, I have my own 2 places tent, I sleep alone in it. I just CAN'T go peeing on my own (in the dark). I sometimes stay awake for hours thinking about what's outside : zombies, vampires, freaks, monsters...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
I absolutely hate going to the bank at night alone.. there are shadows everywhere!! and I don't have any money to steal-- so they'll really be mad!


I think about that too, I'm a public servant & full time student, I have no money!! If someone ever wants to steal my purse I would gladly give them my money but can I keep my purse and wallet, they were expensive!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SuSana
Raggedy Ann & Andy.

I have really vivid dreams and nightmares, when I was younger my sister had the dolls and I dreamt that they were chasing me with big kitchen knives trying to kill me. When I was younger it was ok, but as an adult I should get over it but whenever I see a doll or even a picture of them somewhere I have to turn away.

I hate dolls. Anything human looking. I love stuffed animals but dolls scare the crap out of me. A few years ago I had to use a friends back bedroom to change into my swimsuit. There was a raggedy ann & andy on the bed. Half way through changing, I saw them and went into hysterics. My hubby had to run into the room and take them out. I felt *so* stupid, but I was at the point where I felt like my throat was closing and tears just started streaming down my face. It was totally uncontrollable.


Well-known member
I'm really terrified of spiders. I hyperventilate everytime I see one, and I won't move and my breathing gets really heavy and I almost hold my breath

I'm also terrified of needles. Which is weird because I have like 13 piercings and 2 tattoos. My mom has diabetes so she has to inject insulin and everytime I watch her I stop breathing until she's done and then I go on my merry little way.


Well-known member
Yeah, totally onboard with the public washrooms...especially in a bar after midnight when the 'cleaning' lady has left. I'd rather go in the bushes then lol.

I have a few more to add...I hate clowns! They totally freak me out. And I'm scared of tomatoes. I don't mind tomato sauce/soup but don't make me clean and slice one, brrrrrr.


Well-known member
The Burger King man with the big head! I don't know why but that guy freaks me out to no end! I have to turn the channel really fast when the commercial comes on. My ex used to find that so hilarious that he would call out to me in another room to tell me he was on the TV! LOL
I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it!


Well-known member
Spiders, elevators, lighting candles w/ a match, ladders and for some reason I get so freaking scared when my cat chases me upstairs at night. I think she is going to attack my legs or something


Well-known member
I have the most irrational fear of balloons. I am afraid they are going to pop and scare me. I have the same thing with fireworks. Every 4th of July I end up having a panic attack, even if I stay home. Stupid neighbors and their fireworks!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥

Totally! The sight of them actually induces panic attacks in me.....


Well-known member
i hate dark water, too! A friend had a boat and used to go up to Tahoe and we'd go water skiing and I couldn't wait until the boat pulled me up. I just would sit there and imagine what things were swimming under me. The Loch ness monster types, etc....

Also worms, my mother had a huge fear and I think she just instilled it in me.


Well-known member
Worms. It makes no sense as they CAN'T hurt me, but they seriously wig me out..

My husband has an interesting one - it freaks him out when someone bites the head off a gingerbread man. He thinks it's just wrong to rip the head off something that's actually shaped like a person, and eat it!


Well-known member
the dark, elevators and mother-f*ckin ZOMBIES. Totally scared about a zombie apocalypse happening..can't even sleep at nights because of it. (thanks a lot Dawn on the Dead!!) I have a zombie survival guide book near my bed in case it does happen. Never read it because the thought of it will scare the shit out of me and make me more paranoid but I just wanna be prepared if anything happens...yeah I'm nuckin futs. Everyone thinks it's weird because I have a huge obsession & love for vampires but can't stand zombies. They think it's the same thing since they're both "undead" but NO it's not the same


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
the dark, elevators and mother-f*ckin ZOMBIES. Totally scared about a zombie apocalypse happening..can't even sleep at nights because of it. (thanks a lot Dawn on the Dead!!) I have a zombie survival guide book near my bed in case it does happen. Never read it because the thought of it will scare the shit out of me and make me more paranoid but I just wanna be prepared if anything happens...yeah I'm nuckin futs. Everyone thinks it's weird because I have a huge obsession & love for vampires but can't stand zombies. They think it's the same thing since they're both "undead" but NO it's not the same

The Max Brooks Zombie Survival Guide is amazing!!! I know it's technically under 'humor' but I am grabbing that from my bookshelf if the dead ever rise. You should read it though! During the day if need be


Well-known member
Ok, I NEED this book!!!

If a zombie war happens, I am SO going to hide in a drugstore!
With no window please.


Well-known member
I have an irrational fear of the dark... and being kidnapped. Lol, I know my fear of the dark is irrational b/c I am only scared of it b/c I think Demons live there. Like seriously, I think as soon as the lights go off, some demon is going to try to snatch me into the fiery pits of hell. Anytime I'm in the dark, I have to fight the urge to cry, I start singing hymns, and praying for Jesus to protect me. The whole process is completely insane I know, but I still can't get past it. Darn you grandma for showing me all those movies about hell and the book of revelations. It was soooo bad as a child, I would wake my sister up in the middle of the night and make her go to the bathroom w/ me. I made her stand right outside the door and make noise so I knew she was still there. Haha, she hated me for that.

And I really have no idea how or why I became scared to be kidnapped. It doubt anyone really wants to take me, but I'm always scared to go places by myself.. just in case.