is anyone using the 188 for concealer?


Well-known member
My little sisters birthday is coming up, and I want to give her a MAC brush or two. Her first and a proof of her loving sisters bad influence

She needs basic brushes for concealer, foundation and eyeshadow. I think I can afford two, but which ones?

I think the 188 would be perfect for her for her foundation. She wants a natural look and something not too big. But could she use that for concealer as well?

Other than that she needs a basic eyeshadow brush. I really don't want a combined eyeshadow and concealer brush, then she has to wash it in between. I am thinking the 239.

What do you guys think?


Well-known member
the 188 is great for liquid foundation, but is pretty much useless when it comes to concealer. the 188 is too large to conceal, and actually sheers products down, something that you normally don't want for concealer. the 195 is awesome for under eyes and for blemishes.

as for the eye, the 239 is always first pick for me.


Well-known member
why not the 190 or 191? it would work for both foundation and concealer. I know it's kind of big for concealer, but it still works.

the 242 is the first brush i grab for my eyeshadow, and also works well for concealer

Miss Berri

Well-known member
Those are good starter brushes. She's just going to have to use her fingers to conceal because the 188 isnt going to work