Is it possible to be able to wear warm and cool colors?


Well-known member
At the risk of sounding stupid, I'm kind of confused about the whole cool/warm colors thing. I know that I have pink/blue undertones because my veins on my inner forearm are more blue than green.

I've heard some people say they can't wear a certain color because it's "too cool" or "too warm" for their coloring...but I never have that problem. I regularly wear cool and warm shades and I can basically wear anything from Freckletone to So Scarlet. Three dramatically different color intensities yet they all work on me. Even orange-y colors like See Sheer and Miss Dynamite work fine on me.

My sister can wear So Scarlet, but she can't wear Girl About Town. There are several shades she can't wear because her skin clashes with lots of different colors. Her veins underneath her arm look more green than blue, so I guess that has something to do with it?

So is it possible to be able to wear cool and warm colors or is it kind of a one or the other type of thing? I realize I probably sound like a newb, but I just don't understand how I've never had a problem with not being able to wear certain shades.

Can somebody help me understand? I know that many people on here are very knowledgeable, so you guys are probably the best people to ask about this kind of thing.

Thank you so much in advance.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Well you can wear any colour you want. Some colours will just look better. My undertones are neutral to slightly yellow and I can wear just about any colour too.


Well-known member
I wear all colors! I am limited as far as what looks good lip wise (I look horrid in orange and brown lipstick) ...But as far as shadows...There is no W/C for me...


Well-known member
Absolutely! When I look at the veins on my wrists I see neither blue nor green, but blue-green. My skin tone tends to look more olive with no pink tones and I tan really easily, but MUAs seem to automatically want to classify me at cool because I have naturally light blonde hair and blue eyes. I can definitely wear both cool and warm colours! For example, I love neutral lip colours and wear both cool and warm shades...both Freckletone and Masque are some of my favourites. I like neutral eye shadow, but ALL neutrals...grey, silver, black, brown, gold, taupe, peachy...everything under the sun!


Well-known member
People say blue fits me better than green, but when I wear green, I get wow-ed too


Well-known member
Because I have very pink cheeks I'm generally put in the cool category but am most definitely neutral (leaning towards warm, actually). Not all people are one or the other!

It's a mixed blessing, because it can sometimes be hard to find foundations that match a neutral skintone without mixing, but it does mean a wide range of colours (like you've already discovered) can look good.


Well-known member
I have very obvious pink undertones but I wear anything I want and have never found a color that I couldn't wear


Well-known member
I think I am mixed (I still struggle to figure out if my veins are blue or green - people say I have olive skin) - or I don't care and just wear whatever I feel like


Well-known member
When I look at the veins on my wrists I see neither blue nor green, but blue-green. My skin tone tends to look more olive with no pink tones and I tan really easily

I have some pink tones but I tan really easily and some MA says I am NW and the other says I am NC.Two days ago MAC MA said I am NW because I wear yellow gold
I thing NW30 is my perfect match and I look much better with pink/blues than with browns/greens.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
Well you can wear any colour you want. Some colours will just look better. My undertones are neutral to slightly yellow and I can wear just about any colour too.

This sounds like me exactly!


Well-known member
Maybe you have cool undertones but leaning more towards the neutral spectrum than the extremely cool spectrum. That's why you're able to wear most colors.

I have the typical Asian skin (which may be described as "yellowish"), but weirdly I have cool undertones. It's very obvious from the lippies that I put on, e.g. I look much better in Pink Nouveau than Chatterbox (it was too warm / yellowish for me). But my Asian skin allows me to carry off some warm colors too, but of course not those that are extremely warm.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I'm guessing here that I'm cool toned, I have lotsa pink in my skin and though I'm not pale, I still burn real bad under the sun instead of tanning! I've been told I look best in blue/purple/gray/pink eyeshadows as opposed to green/gold/brown/copper. I still wear anything I want though.

Lips are a different story, I've noticed lipsticks with yellow undertones make me look weird (even pinks and reds that have yellow in them)