Is the Mini Glitter (Pigment) set only available at MAC stores and not counters?


New member
A MAC MA told my friend and I this, but I recall them being available at counters last year. She also said the Paint set is available at the counter, but I also recall that being exclusive to freestanding stores.

The truth? Please tell me!



Well-known member
Everything will be available at the counters. At least the one where I live will have it all so I assume that it will be the same everywhere else.


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure everything but the mini paints is available at counters, and paints only at stores. However paints could be available at higher volume counters...


Well-known member
I think it depends where you are. Here (I'm in BC Canada) our counter will have everything but the mini paint set which is a mac store/pro store exclusive. I am positive I was able to order the mini paint set on the website last year though.

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