is ther a such thing as a mac booklet/catalouge?


Well-known member
Is there anything avaliable even if its an old mag with everything MAC has made. I want to start collecting mac but I just feel overwhelmed when I go I want everything, I want to start with the brushes and I went on thier offcial site and there are so many! So I was just wondering if there was a mag with everything they have produced and what the product does? Instead of me printing out all the pages


Well-known member
I don't think there is such thing!

I know there are some lists out there with all the e/s , Lipglasses and Lipsticks but I don't think there is something with all the other items....btw it would be a bad ass huge catalogue


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Well-known member
I was asking if there is something out there like if mac employees get a booklet? Thanks anyway! I guess I will just have to print everything out lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luvme4me
I was asking if there is something out there like if mac employees get a booklet? Thanks anyway! I guess I will just have to print everything out lol

You really want to collect EVERYTHING?!?!

I know there are at least 400something lipsticks MAC has ever made!


Well-known member
lol! no but I really want to know and learn about the brushes I only have two brushes from mac and just wanna know about the brush and collect the ones I need


Well-known member
I know that they have these little booklets, which explain all the different types of formulas/finishes. I have one for lips, and I'm pretty sure that they have one for eyeshadows as well as brushes. Just ask an MA and they should help you out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by luvme4me
lol! no but I really want to know and learn about the brushes I only have two brushes from mac and just wanna know about the brush and collect the ones I need - of course, those are just one person's opinions, but her reviews can be very helpful.

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