is there a pay difference between freestanding to counter?


Well-known member
im just curious if there is a difference..and if there is how much different?

oh and another question....will bad skin affect me from getting hired? i have been trying to treat my acne but the treatments is not working quite well :-/


Well-known member's been my experience that the only place where the pay is different (within any articular region) is in Nordstroms, but they make commission, so it pretty much evens varies between region though.

As long as you can do your makeup to work with your skin you should be long have you been doing your treatments? Maybe it's time to try something else?


Well-known member
thank you for replying....i've been trying different treatments for my skin for years...the current one is murrad ive been using that for 3 months now...there was a prescription that was working for me but i had to stop that when i didnt have insurance anymore..$80 for a gel and $140 for a cream every month would be hard to keep up with. ive been thinking of trying something else but have no idea what i should try.


Well-known member
everyone's skin is not perfect at MAC, trust me. As long as you can work with your skin and do the job you are ok. One of our trainers had reaallllllly bad skin but she could beat a face to death ;-)


Well-known member
there's a girl at my counter that has severely blemished and acne scarred skin, but she knows how to work with it so she always looks amazing anyway. i've struggled with bad skin for years, and i've found that with the right moisturizer, foundation, concealor and powder you can hide it very well.


Well-known member
Ditto. One of the nicest girls at my counter has skin that is far from perfect. However, I don't like her to do my face makeup, because she makes it too cakey and thick. She put the Satinfinish on me, and it looked so unblended and fake (she used the 187 too, but just too much product I think) But I love when she does just my eyes!