Is this a compliment? Or a feeble attempt to insult me?


Well-known member
Take it as a compliment, even if it wasn't intended to be. Jessica Rabbit is hot


Well-known member
Jessica Rabbit was hot! Not any girl in winged liner, bright lips and red hair looks like Jessica Rabbit.... which means you must be bringing the hot-ness to the equation. Take it as a compliment.


Well-known member
Really, seriously.... who cares...?? I might have drawn an adverse inference to this entire thread, but by your own words it was catty, therefore it was not meant to be a compliment....

My stepmum used to always say to me, "people who fish for compliments almost always catch a FISH". Use your common sense, you're a big girl, if the tone was awful it was never meant to be nice. How you respond to that is entirely up to you. If the tone was nice then it was meant as a compliment. The whole thread is entirely redundant to me.