Is this fake? If not, then how can these be so cheap?

I found several listings for these on ebay Australia:

â¥MAC Eyeshadow Pigment Blush Glitter Mixing Med 70pack⥠- eBay, Eye Shadow, Makeup, Beauty, Health. (end time 26-Oct-08 18:08:00 AEDST)

If the "buy now" option has gone by the time you read it, the cost for the entire lot is $750 AUD, which is very very cheap. I'm not a MAC expert but the pics look genuine and the seller has a reasonable amount of good feedback. If these items are genuine then how on earth can the seller buy them for such a low price? I thought that only MAC stores could buy genuine products from MAC to sell in MAC stores so how do these people get bulk supplies of supposedly genuine items?

There are also other sellers on ebay Australia selling similar colours for ridiculously cheap prices. I have emailed one of them and she insists that her products are genuine. I don't know who to believe but I know I don't want to waste a stack of money on something that could not be genuine.


Well-known member
I have asked the seller this question:

Is it possible to get a very close up picture of the bottom of the pigment pot?, also a picture of the box lid opened - I am interested to see the lip on the bit that goes back into the box when closed. do you also have a picture of an eyeshadow depotted? I need to see the back of the pan. I am going to ask a friend in Aus to buy some of your listings for me, but i need to be sure they are real. there are a few details that are different from authentic and fake both on the boxes and the bottom of the pots. And the eyeshadow pans are different from authentic to fake. I am not accusing, i just need to be sure before my friend parts with my cash. could you email the pics to....... - I gave my email address. if she has any sense she will click my ebay user and find me as a seller. I was definately canvassed for this via ebay uk, as i remember the mixing medium part of it, I know for sure of one other USa seller who was canvassed too. I did ask a couple of UK sellers if they were canvassed, one was i cant remember if the other one was canvassed. Its highly unlikely it will be real, hopefully some other sellers will agree....
panda, if you could direct me to the post where magenta-shores is mentioned then I would happily read it. I did have a brief look through a couple of the obvious posts but with 22 pages of posts on one and 24 pages on another, it is very difficult to find the information I am looking for.


Well-known member
Usually with a whole lot like this, it tends to be fake because NO ONE would be able to sell them repeatedly like that all the time. The only way they could obtain that amount of "MAC" is when they purchase wholesale from "suppliers/wholesalers" as it is cheaper to buy fake and then jack up the prices for profit. According to MAC's website, they do NOT do wholesale for onward resale. Also with fake MAC, nobody (except for the counterfeiters) know what sort of harmful substances may be used to make fake MAC. Sure the whole load may be cheap but I wouldn't want to risk my $$, health and skin just because its cheap and "looks ok".

You have to highlight to read the entire page.

magenta-shores is blacklisted as one of the dishonest counterfeit MAC sellers here.

I always steer clear of sellers selling bulk loads like that or have multiple listings of the same particular pigments like other sellers. They always say its genuine especially with bulk loads just to make you buy them because its so ridiculously cheap! Sure, I would say some are unaware but a lot of them are dishonest sellers because once they found out that they've been duped, they still continue selling it to get their money back + profits. Some of us here have dealt with dishonest sellers and we know what they're like. Criminals. (Please bear in mind that some sellers are really honest sellers who stopped selling fake MAC once they found out that they've been duped! We know a few of them who came here to seek help!)

More info here:

I'm not (and I'm sure everyone here is not) boycotting any eBay sellers. I boycott dishonest, counterfeit sellers.


Well-known member

A brief run down on the history of this seller is....

A seller named Divalaglam used to sell wholesale lots on ebay, The items were proven to be counterfiet & eventually the Ebay account was suspended.

About a month later the magenta-shores user name was created on Ebay & the user i.d bought numerous $0.50 & $1.00 items.

As soon as the user i.d gained some positive feedback they started listing MAC wholesale lots almost identical to the ones sold on divalaglam's old account .

Both the divalaglam & magenta-shores user names lists the same N.S.W suburb as their location in ebay.

* Ok, all of the above is factual information.

Anyway I (I wont speak for anyone else here) speculate that divalaglam & magenta-shores are one & the same. Personally I wouldn't purchase from magenta-shores as I have had a previous negative experience with Divalaglam in the past (hence why I have a bit more insight into the matter than most). So I guess this is a case of buyer beware, Just remember the old saying "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is"

EDIT: Xqueeze ME, argh, you just beat me to the reply
Thanks everyone
. I messaged another seller on Australia ebay earlier today as she had the exact same eyeshadow colours on sale separately for $13AUD each. This is the response I got:

"That's OK I can understand your concern. The person who you see selling the 70 pack is my supplier - I buy off her. she has a contact at MAC and is able to purchase what she wants at a cheaper price - if it cheaper for the buyer we can then pass on the cheaper price to the buyer."

I am constantly amazed at the fact that people will go to great lengths to claim that their products are "authentic" when the price suggests that they can't possibly be. This particular seller I have quoted has included photos of her eyeshadows on the listing and they definitely look like the genuine article. Perhaps she is not using photos of the actual product that she sends out?

I definitely don't want to use any fake products so won't risk buying anything from either seller. I guess I just had to ask the question from you guys who know more about it than I do just to reassure myself that this was one of those "too good to be true" things. Very pleased I didn't rush in and buy anything now!