Is this one fake? Post your possible fakes/genuines here for scrutiny


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Is this one fake? I see here selling so much of this orange...


Well-known member
Actually I have seen a few of her items and they all look good to me too

Heres one thats definitely not right....Umm, this woman had to try and indentify her own pigment colours..LOL - FAKE


Well-known member
if it is any help i have had a genuine pigment with this code at the top it still had its correct UPC (barcode label at the bottom)the batch code was inline with MAC batching and the colour and everything was perfect I would say that if this is a (unlikely) fake it is a very good one


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Hi all i have had the misfortune of trading with this seller they were selling lots of fullsized pigments a while ago and some where real and some where fake I ended up with 1 fake and 1 real ,when i challenged the seller they told me that i didnt know what i was talking about, if you are thinking of buying any samples check these jar bases first (very thick), poor colour no bases showing and note the typing error, number instead of colour
wavy another fake seller has dealt with this one I hope this helps and if anyone can report that would be great i have already done so


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gemstone

Here is an unusual one... is this real? I have never seen the barcode on the top like this. Everything else looks OK to me. What do you think?

This one has the barcode that isn't from MAC, but was purchased from a CCO. I have a similar barcode sticker and the pigment was purchased from a CCO. Otherwise, the pigment looks authentic.