Its Me Again With More Pictures


Well-known member
So can you all believe Im already 3O weeks? I know, its insane right? The time is flying right past me! But Im still trying to sit back and enjoy it while its here! Anyways The 19th was my 19th birthday. And as one of my gifts, my fiance took me for a 3D ultrasound! It was amazing! I recommend it to any pregnant woman/couple! The money you spend is so well worth it! The newest news with my mom is, she still hasnt completely came around. She dosent call me, and when I call her she usually cuts me short. But its okay. Im not too bugged by it. My daughter already has plenty of people who love her! And untill my mom does come around, Im sure Aleena wont miss her too much! =] Anyways, I really did try and cut down how many pictures I put on here. Because my CD came with 137! So it took me forever to get it down to just 5 to show you all!!! I hope you guys enjoy these ones as much as the last! Thank You All for looking!


She was sucking her hand!


I was so upset that she slept right through this ultra sound!


My favorite one!


Miss Aleena Marie Nevaeh Garcia!


Aleena trying to pose with her hand under her chin!



Well-known member
Incredible! Those 3-D ultrasounds weren;t around when I had my kids...lucky you!

She looks beautiful...and don't worry too much about your mom...when she finally sees your baby in the flesh, she is going to melt...all abuelas do!


Well-known member
That is amazing! I can't believe how far technology has come since I had my two children.

I am so happy for you and your baby. I'm sure your mother will come around once she sees her grand-daughter but if she doesn't it is her loss. She will be missing out on the lives of her daughter and grand-daughter.

I wish you all the happiness and love in the world!


Well-known member
Amazing......... Aleena Marie Nevaeh Garcia has a nice ring to it..... u did a lovely job picking a name for ur lil girl


Well-known member
How CUTEEEE!! Aren't 3D ultrasounds amazing??!! I did one when I was prego and it was soo amazing to see my unborn daughters face. Right away we could tell that she had her daddy's nose lol.

Congrats on your precious baby girl again, boy you sure are in for a ride!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Amazing......... Aleena Marie Nevaeh Garcia has a nice ring to it..... u did a lovely job picking a name for ur lil girl

Ahhh Thank You SO MUCH!!! Not too many people have liked her name besides me and her daddy!!! But I love it!!! And I think she will too!!! =] Or at least I hope she will!!!


Well-known member
aww hunny that is so cute! i got one of those with alia, but i don't know where my video went.
i hope it turns up somewhere. it's amazing, isn't it!?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by queenofdisaster
aww hunny that is so cute! i got one of those with alia, but i don't know where my video went.
i hope it turns up somewhere. it's amazing, isn't it!?

Awww that sucks! Im sorry! Im sure youll find it though! And Im such a freak about losing things, I already burned several copies of it just in case I lose it! But wow, its the most amazing thing ever! I couldnt believe it. I loved seeing her yawn, and suck her thumb! Its still hard for me to believe that, that beautiful litte face is living inside my body!!!


Well-known member
Wow, that's so awesome! I never got the chance to do that with my daughter. Hopefully with future children I will.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prinzessin784
those pictures are amazing!! what an exciting thing to see her precious face!!

It was so exciting to see her face! Im telling you it made me so happy I cried! I couldnt believe how like real it was! I mean, I know shes real. But it was great to put a face to the liddle lady that likes to kick me in the ribs! =]

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