It's Monday!


Well-known member
How was your weekend?

My little sister came over with my Nephew and spent the night Friday and Saturday. I bought a remote control monster truck to play with, it's FUN! Woo hoo

Otherwise a pretty average weekend. Back to the grind!


Well-known member

Mine was good! Had engagement pics at a gorgeous park and at Kemah. Also cleaned my house!


Well-known member
I visited my MAC counter at Saturday and enjoyed a Vanilla Latte at Starbucks. As a teacher I prepared my lessons for the coming week.

On Sunday I enjoyed the day with my boyfriend.


Well-known member
It was an awful weekend IMO. gearing up for the final exams and projects of my undergrad degree.
Group meeting was Fri night 5-9pm (not bad)
but then my mom was rushed to the hospital with what were flulike symptoms but with medication and her bloodsugar at bad levels, we had to monitor her but she came right back home and thankfully is alright.
then i had the marathon group project writing from 9AM-2AM (1/2 hr for lunch in between that). and we're still not done. it sucks.

And I have to study for my tax final, which sucks as the weather is getting to be so nice, but I was e-mailed overnight that Sephora stocked Stila's summer stuff FINALLY so I rewarded myself with some online therapy! Cannot wait for the package!

So weekend started out bad, but this weekend is all good


Well-known member
I did absolutely nothing but watch tv all Saturday.

Sunday i went to MAC to check out Heatherette. Trio 1, style minx lipglass and hollywood nights lipstick followed me home


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Sunday i went to MAC to check out Heatherette. Trio 1, style minx lipglass and hollywood nights lipstick followed me home

Enjoy your haul!


Well-known member
Friday...nothing. Saturday I went to the gym and then celebrated with a friend because she passed some important exams. Then Sunday, her and I went to the Opera. That's it...back to the daily grindstone, indeed.


Well-known member
Spent the weekend relaxing at my boyfriends house. It was his bday so we went out to eat on fri and then out with his family on Saturday


Well-known member
Went out to dinner on Friday with my mom & then a cleaning frenzy the rest of the weekend. Pretty successful I guess


Well-known member
All my kiddies got a haircut. They are shedding like crazy. Everyone got a lion's cut.

I went to the grocery, cooked and cleaned the house. I had a productive weekend.

Thank you for the inquiry.


Active member
I had an awesome weekend. First I went to a lacrosse game - we lost but it was a great game.
Then I went and watch a Roller Derby. Loved it but I expected crazy and wild make-up (not a lot of it), still fun to watch. Then I went to dinner with my whole staff! We had soooooo much fun!
Thanks for asking!