i've got a demo.....yay


okay. so i had an interview with MAC just recently, and after the interview they immediatley asked me if i could come in to do a demo on september 4th.
ahhh it seems so far away! but i'm so excited.
i'm not as familiar woth their products as i'd like to be,
so i'm trying to study up.
and i might actually go to another store and watch the MUA's do an
application on my friend,
just to see how they work.
does that sound like a good idea??
i'm not sure how much about the products you are expected to know,
because i don't use all of their stuff, even though i would love to.
i'm just not sure if they base their hiring on the makeup app or the ability to sell during the demo...or both i guess.
i'm so nervous i won't get the job.
but i am excited


Well-known member
That sounds great to me. LOL Anything helps.

I was mainly asked about the brushes and why I used them in certain areas. And then later she commented on my application, like, what would I have done better and gave me tips. She really didn't ask me about products. They do teach you all of that.


Well-known member
Good luck!

Who called you for your first interview - was it someone from head office or a manager from the actual store location?


it was the manager from the store location.
i think they are hiring for all three stores in my area.
one is a counter, one is a free-standing store,
and another is opening in october, which is also free-standing.
is it better to be a manger from the store or head office?

i'm so nervous about it! ahhh.
i've been reading up as much as possible.
i'm going to do my best.

i do have one question though.
hopefully somone can help me answer it.
during the demo, when you begin the makeover,
do you have to greet your model like they are a customer,
or do you just begin the app and explaining as you go along??
